The Journal

A second chance


FOUR years ago a nightmaris­h saga played out in Newcastle – but one with an uplifting ending.

Frazer McKenzie’s attempt to end his life by jumping into the River Tyne resulted him becoming lodged in the mud – still very much alive, but at the mercy of the incoming tide.

Luckily, Frazer had been spotted and the fire service was called.

Firefighte­rs Tommy Richardson and Martin Scott dug him clear just before the waters returned.

Now Frazer has met the two firefighte­rs to thank them for their work on a night so dreadful parts of it have gone from his memory.

Well done, of course, to Tommy and Martin – brave and resourcefu­l men who did outstandin­g work that night.

But well done too to Frazer for talking about it. His life was saved that night – but he still had a long road to travel to recover his mental health. He is proof that, even after such despair, second chances are possible.

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