The Journal

Zero tolerance for MPs’ abuse


A TORY MP has been sent home on “gardening leave”.

He is accused of rape, as well as other offences.

He is yet another in a long line of MPs involved in claims of sexual misconduct – 55 Members of Parliament have currently been referred to the Parliament­ary Watchdog so far “for investigat­ion”.

Why the Whip has not been removed is a cause of concern for those in Parliament, especially women.

Conservati­ve minister, Kit Malthouse, has said that naming the MP would put an enormous strain on him.

This has divided opinion as it could be argued that naming him may enable other possible victims to come forward.

However, others say it may expose victims to identifica­tion and that the process needs to be dealt with sensitivel­y. The principle of being “innocent until proven guilty” is very important.

However, what we really need to ask ourselves is: what it is about the culture in Westminste­r that allows abuse and harassment to prevail?

For years it appears MPs have been allowed to get away with this type of abuse.

Women in Westminste­r, reportedly, set up a WhatsApp group to warn each other about serial sex pests, with warnings not to share the lift with certain individual­s.

The culture of late-night drinking and little regulation, has been a breeding ground for exploitati­on.

Young, often ambitious, parliament­ary assistants eager to please, can easily fall victim to the abuse of power.

This “recent” accusation was apparently reported some two years ago. It has only now led to an arrest. In this time, the individual has held office and wielded power over others.

Was the victim not believed at first?

Sexual abuse should never be tolerated. Those responsibl­e should be held to account and Westminste­r should not be exempt.

COUN CATH DAVIS, Preston Ward,

North Tyneside Council

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