The Journal


- Blackadder­

SO WHAT to make of that season? Pretty much all the superlativ­es have been used up o I’ve no intention of replicatin­g them - but am wholeheart­edly on board.

The season was, of course, in two parts because of the World Cup and there was always the fear that part one wouldn’t be replicated.

Thankfully, because of the team ethic and the trust in the tactics, it was business as usual.

There were areas we could improve, there always are – even Pep at City will be looking at new ways to keep his superb squad on its toes.

For us it was largely frustratio­n at points not so much lost as not capitalise­d on. We let four leads slip and didn’t convert 0-0s into victories.

Even working on a 50% success rate there were 10 points which went begging.

It might seem picky but I suspect it’s stuff which would irk Eddie Howe.

In many ways this season has been a free hit for us. Nobody expected us to be fourth but clearly next season (a) fourth is going to be the benchmark and (b) we’re going to be treat as top-four contenders and be under more pressure from the opposition as well as the club itself.

Speaking of free hits, we also had a cup final, although typically it wasn’t against a plucky Championsh­ip team or bottom-six Prem struggler, it was against a resurgent Manchester United.

My memories of it begin with the journey there and back.

Unfortunat­ely the train wasn’t something which will be using the HS2 line when it’s finished (when hell freezes over probably) and a journey which began in 2023 was travelled in 1972.

The day was, of course, a disappoint­ment but unlike recent Wembley visits (the ones in colour) there was an expectatio­n among the support this was the beginning of a journey, not a bonus trip to the capital.

So all in all there was much to revel in last season and while third would have been a boost psychologi­cally, fourth wasn’t too shabby all things considered.

So onwards and upwards for next season and at least when it comes to away games, the travelling support will have the option of the Eurostar rather than the Hogwarts Express I used for Wembley.

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