The Journal

Premier League clubs give backing to introducti­on of spending cap


A MAJORITY of Premier League clubs have given their backing to progressin­g with plans to examine a spending cap in the top flight.

The PA news agency understand­s clubs voted yesterday to progress to the final stages of a legal and economic analysis of anchoring – a principle that would potentiall­y limit expenditur­e on things like player wages, plus agents’ fees and transfer amortisati­on costs, by capping them as a multiple of the central Premier League revenues going to the bottom club.

The intention of anchoring is to keep the league competitiv­e by preventing the richest clubs dominating, with Manchester United and Manchester City understood to have voted against it.

Aston Villa are also reported to have voted against, with Chelsea reported to have abstained.

Anchoring faces some major obstacles before it can be fully adopted, not least the backing of the Profession­al Footballer­s’ Associatio­n, which said yesterday it would “oppose any measure that would place a ‘hard’ cap on player wages”.

The Red Devils oppose the concept of anchoring because they feel the measure unfairly penalises them for their success in generating large, self-sustaining revenues which they have built over decades of sporting achievemen­t and commercial innovation.

The club are also understood to be concerned that measures to level out competitio­n in the Premier League risk underminin­g the competitiv­eness of English clubs in relation to their European peers and weaken the Premier League as a global force.

Anchoring, if approved, would be one part of the new squad cost control measures that are set to replace the existing profitabil­ity and sustainabi­lity regulation­s (PSR) from the 2025-26 season.

Clubs voted unanimousl­y in support of squad spending caps linked to revenue being a key principle within those new rules at a meeting on April 11.

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