The Journal

Order against brick thief


A manager at a home building site who stole £18,000 of bricks has been ordered to pay back some of his ill-gotten gains.

Michael Russett betrayed the trust of his employer while working on a Barratt Homes developmen­t in Hebburn, South Tyneside.

He organised the theft of materials to order, with other men helping and a low loader being used in an operation lasting hours.

Russett was found guilty of theft by a jury and a judge rejected his account that he had been paid £200 to turn a blind eye to the theft, which happened in January 2020.

Last year, he was given a suspended prison sentence at Newcastle Crown Court and now he has been back in court for a hearing under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

The court heard the benefit figure of his crime, taking into account inflation, was £21,580 and the amount he has available is £3,858. He must pay that figure to Barratt Homes within three months or face 28 days in prison.

Sue Hirst, defending, said Russett is now receiving benefits and said his finances have been in a “fairly poor state”.

Last August, Russett, 49, of Gallgate, Barnard Castle, County Durham, was sentenced to 18 months suspended for two years with 200 hours unpaid work and rehabilita­tion.

He also faces Proceeds of Crime Act proceeding­s.

Vince Ward, prosecutin­g said during the sentencing hearing: “The defendant had a leading role by providing access to the site. Texts also indicate a leading role. He stood to gain significan­tly financiall­y from the theft. He had a degree of responsibi­lity as a site manager and there was a significan­t degree of planning.”

Jonathan Gittins, defending, said: “He found himself in a dire place, which pushed him to make these decisions.”

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