The Journal

£5m beach clean plan set to begin

- JAMES ROBINSON Local Democracy Reporter

A MULTI-MILLION pound project to remove historic industrial waste from a popular Northumber­land beach is set to get under way.

Northumber­land County Council say the “final stages” of preparatio­n are under way ahead of the major project to tackle the pollution on the coast at Lynemouth. A total of £5m has been allocated to clean up the stretch of coastline, with the aim of stopping the waste deposits from washing into the sea.

Dangerous chemicals including asbestos have been uncovered following spells of bad weather that caused erosion on the coastline. A temporary bridge is currently being assembled and craned into position to allow constructi­on traffic access to the north side of the River Lyne.

This means heavy plant equipment won’t need to use the coastal route between Lynemouth and Creswell during the work. It is hoped the project will be completed by autumn this year.

Council ceader Glen Sanderson said: “We’re now seeing key infrastruc­ture going in ahead of the main work starting on this major clean-up project that will significan­tly improve the environmen­t along this part of the county’s coastline which has been blighted by past industrial activity. It’s a very expensive scheme but one that is so important, not just locally but for the whole county, in tidying up and restoring this land to the way it should be.

“This is a key project in our commitment to put the environmen­t at the heart of everything we do and in a few months, we’ll see benefits for local residents, visitors and our wildlife for years to come.”

Local ward councillor and Labour leader Coun Scott Dickinson said: “It was great after so many years of lobbying, local people can see actual action.

“The bridge going in means we can actually start to see things physically happening.

“It’s been a long haul and it’s been really frustratin­g for people who haven’t been able to see anything but now they can. I don’t think this would have happened unless everybody had contribute­d.

“This is about protecting our coastline for visitors and locals. There’s dangerous chemicals there so it needs doing.

“When things that are wrong have been done in the past, you just have to take it on the chin. People wanted a blame game but we’re decades down the line.”

 ?? ?? > The bridge means constructi­on traffic won’t have to use the nearby road
> The bridge means constructi­on traffic won’t have to use the nearby road

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