The Journal

New exhibition brings artist’s works to Light

- TONY HENDERSON @hendrover

WHEN it comes to keeping fit, Linda Kay has it down to a fine art.

Linda stores up ideas from her regular walks and cycle trips from memory, sketching or photograph­ing what catches her attention.

On her doorstep in Tynemouth, her garden also provides subjects for her painting.

Now Linda will stage an exhibition of around 100 works from today to Saturday from 10am-3pm at the Old Low Light heritage centre on North Shields Fish Quay, where she is a founding trustee and volunteer.

And 25% of all sales will go directly to support the Old Low Light. Linda has a background in graphic design and for more than 25 years ran her own successful company. Her early training before computers became the main design tool, provided a grounding in everything from photograph­y to life drawing.

She says: “Most days I’m out somewhere and it’s about making the most of what you see. A lot of the paintings are about natural things that have caught my eye, and many reflect the changing seasons and how light affects the landscape and colours.”

That can extend to the reflection of light in puddles on double yellow line road markings, or her own greenhouse.

“I am hoping that my work in this show will not only appeal to others but will also help to boost finances at the Old Low Light where, thankfully, we are now able to progress some important maintenanc­e work after a tough couple of years,” she says.

Centre director Guy Moody says: “Linda is very talented, and this exhibition provides an opportunit­y to showcase her interpreta­tion of the world around her.

“Visitors to the centre and its galleries will have seen many examples of Linda’s graphic design work without realising it, as she gives her time and skills freely, producing the vast majority of our promotiona­l materials and exhibition boards.”

Linda says: “As I walk and cycle around the local area, and sometimes further afield, I can’t help but be struck by details worth noting such as a striking combinatio­n of colours or the way light is adding drama to a well-known view. The trusty camera-phone is usually in my back pocket, ready to make a note before the moment passes.”

Towards the latter years of her career in graphics she joined the North of England Art Club and returned to painting and drawing, culminatin­g with a BA Fine Art course.For more about Linda’s artwork, go to www.lindakayar­

Admission to ‘More Things Seen’ exhibition is £4 – members free. This also includes entry to the heritage gallery where visitors can view the current exhibition ‘Merchant Navy – Tyneside Stories’ which highlights the part that the Merchant Navy has played in the lives of people on both sides of the Tyne.

 ?? ?? > Whitley Bay beach by Linda Kay
> Whitley Bay beach by Linda Kay
 ?? ?? > Linda Kay at work
> Linda Kay at work
 ?? ?? > Fish Quay nets
> Fish Quay nets

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