The Journal

Motor maker collapsed with deficit of £2.89m

- TOM KEIGHLEY Business Writer

ELECTRIC motor maker Saietta’s Sunderland operation collapsed with a deficit of £2.89m, new documents show.

The developer of powertrain systems for smaller electric vehicles such as scooters and rickshaws called in administra­tors earlier this year after failing to find a buyer amid cashflow issues.

Bosses took the decision after an anticipate­d contract to build electrical steering pumps at the firm’s Wearside site fell through and start dates for other pieces of work were delayed.

The difficulti­es came only months after AIM-listed Saietta secured £6.5m in equity funding – a sum that was expected to give it enough working capital to continue trading to March this year.

Further fundraisin­g was expected after the new work commenced, but on March 4 chairman Tony Gott announced to shareholde­rs that while there had been genuine interest in the business, no viable offers were made which would allow it to continue trading.

Accounts for the wider Saietta Group, covering the year to the end of March 2023, show operating losses of £19.3m on revenue of £2.1m. Having acquired the former ZF factory at Houghton-le-Spring in 2021, and taken on some of the firm’s staff, Saietta aimed to build on its research and developmen­t activity to produce up to 100,000 electric propulsion motors each year.

But with a sale process having failed, insolvency specialist­s from EY were appointed at the same time Saietta confirmed its shares on the London Stock Exchange would be suspended.

At the time, Mr Gott said: “Despite all other aspects of the business remaining in progress and following major restructur­ing throughout the business over the last 12 months we were unable to provide the capital required, on a timely basis, to complete the journey to bring the Group to a self-financing position.”

Newly-published documents covering show a list of around 23 creditors owed more than £3.1m, including a majority owed to other Saietta Group companies.

The administra­tors estimate a deficiency of around £2.89m.

A separate progress report, made public earlier this month, includes detail on the lead up to the collapse. Administra­tors at EY said: “Initially a discreet marketing process was commenced, limited to six parties, following guidance in respect of the AIM rules.

“However, by February 22, 2024, with no immediate proceedabl­e interest from the initial process, the directors of Saietta Group Plc decided to open the process to the wider market and a regulatory news service announceme­nt (RNS) was issued stating that the group was undertakin­g a formal review of its strategic options, as without further funding the group was at risk of becoming insolvent. Following the RNS, EY approached more than 70 parties to gauge their interest in the opportunit­y to acquire the group’s business. However, by March 3, 2024 there were still no proceedabl­e offers.

“In the meantime, EY’s contingenc­y planning work had prepared for potential insolvency appointmen­ts over the companies in the event that a solvent transactio­n for the sale was not achieved. With creditor pressure increasing, liquidity decreasing and no proceedabl­e solvent offers received, the board decided it had no option for Saietta Group Plc and Saietta Sunderland Plant Limited other than to seek the protection of administra­tion.”

 ?? ?? > Saietta Group’s Sunderland facility
> Saietta Group’s Sunderland facility

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