The Journal

Inspiring stories shared at event


WOMEN from across the region’s businesses and organisati­ons shared their inspiring stories at the North East Chamber of Commerce’s Inspiring Females Conference.

The event, sponsored by Newcastle Airport, explored the pivotal role businesses can play to inspire inclusion and equality, and emphasised the importance of collaborat­ion to create a stronger, fairer North East.

Alix Bolton, chair of the Chamber’s Women’s Leadership Forum (WLF), who shared informatio­n about initiative­s such as the British Chambers of Commerce’s Workplace Equity Commission, and the upcoming WLF report on women progressin­g in the workplace, said: “As proud chair of the Chamber’s Women’s Leadership Forum for the past five years, I’ve had the honour of witnessing both remarkable progress and significan­t challenges in the realm of gender equality.

“Events like today are really crucial to keeping that momentum alive. The theme ‘inspire inclusion’ is particular­ly fitting this year. It underscore­s the importance of creating an environmen­t where every woman feels valued and included, a place where her contributi­ons are recognised and celebrated.”

Solicitor and managing partner at Sweeney Miller Law, Surbhi Vedhara, spoke about lessons learnt during her career journey, and why businesses should take calculated risks and invest in people to grow.

Ms Vedhara said: “We now employ over 85 staff and we have a 50/50 representa­tion of men and women in leadership roles, that’s a stat I’m hugely proud of. Surround yourself with positive voices, and don’t underestim­ate the importance of diversity in the workplace. I realised I can deal with my difference­s from a position of strength rather than weakness. I bring a lot of different things other people can’t. Diversity brings immense opportunit­ies.”

Kay Carrick, developmen­t team manager at St Cuthbert’s Hospice and a member of the Chamber’s WLF, hosted a panel of Inspiring Females Award winners and encouraged attendees to enter the awards to “break through glass ceilings”. Panellists included Caraline Robinson, manufactur­ing director at Husqvarna UK, Alison Maynard, deputy principal at New College Durham and Natalie Collins, CEO at The Women’s Liberation Collective.

 ?? ?? Participan­ts at the Inspiring Females Conference at Ramside Hall
Participan­ts at the Inspiring Females Conference at Ramside Hall

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