The Journal

Tees Valley shortliste­d for nuclear project


THE Tees Valley has reached the final stages of competitio­n to find a site for a new £1.3bn Small Modular Reactors factory, potentiall­y creating 4,000 jobs.

Holtec Britain has issued a shortlist of four locations which could host the new plant, which will build up to four Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) a year to be deployed across the UK, Europe and the Middle East.

If chosen by the Government, the 20-hectare factory could generate thousands of jobs over the next 15 years – 3,600 during the constructi­on phase and 400 once operationa­l – while also helping the UK to meet its net-zero goals and a target of having 24GW of nuclear capacity by 2050.

Local authoritie­s and businesses were invited to submit Expression­s of Internet (EOIs) earlier this year, and were assessed on deliverabi­lity, connectivi­ty, regenerati­on potential, skills and research, and quality of life.

Of the 13 that took part the four through to the final stage are South Yorkshire Combined Authority, West Midlands Combined Authority, Tees Valley Combined Authority and Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnershi­p (CLEP).

A final decision on the scheme will be made by the Government later this year.

Holtec’s technology has been shortliste­d by GBN (Great British Nuclear) as one of six firms to lead the nuclear reactor project, alongside EDF, GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Internatio­nal LLC, NuScale Power, Rolls Royce SMR and Westinghou­se Electric Company UK Limited.

Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen said: “We’re at the forefront of clean energy technology across Teesside, Darlington and Hartlepool – and this shortlisti­ng shows how we’re truly the capital of growth for Small Modular Reactor technology.

“I’m confident we can convince Holtec we’re the premium site given our deep knowledge base in engineerin­g, our great transport links via the Tees, and huge potential we have at our freeport.”

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