The Journal

North East is at the forefront of environmen­tal innovation

- ERIKA ARMANINO Erika Armanino is a knowledge and research executive at the North East Chamber of Commerce

THE North East has emerged as a leader in the national green economy.

With major renewable energy projects and a strong commitment to sustainabl­e technologi­es, the region is positionin­g itself at the forefront of environmen­tal innovation. This transforma­tion not only benefits the environmen­t, but also drives economic growth and creates new job opportunit­ies.

A ground-breaking wind turbine test facility, celebrated as the most advanced globally to date, is set to be constructe­d in Northumber­land with an £86m investment in green energy. Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult’s National Renewable Energy Centre in Blyth will focus on testing, validating and certifying wind turbines, significan­tly reducing CO2 emissions.

The Government-funded facility is expected to prevent 2.5m tonnes of CO2 emissions – equivalent to twice the annual emissions of Newcastle’s population – within an eight-and-ahalf-month period, by accelerati­ng the deployment of larger and more efficient wind turbines.

This initiative will ensure that a greater share of the energy powering homes and businesses is derived from eco-friendly sources, contributi­ng substantia­lly to the region’s sustainabl­e energy goals.

The project is part of a broader effort in the North East that leads sustainabl­e developmen­t and green technology.

This initiative is one of many, such as the Tees Valley hydrogen transport hub, which is establishi­ng a hydrogen economy, and the North East Battery Alliance’s advancemen­ts, which are leading the battery industry and attracting further investment­s into the region.

Additional­ly, Net Zero Teesside Power is a collection of industrial, power and hydrogen businesses which aims to decarbonis­e its operations through the deployment of carbon capture utilizatio­n and storage.

The North East Chamber of Commerce continues to work together with businesses and institutio­ns to remove the barriers to green innovation and drive forward decarbonis­ation.

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