The Journal

Yorkshire coach firms acquired by Go-Ahead

- COREENA FORD Business writer

NORTH East-based transport business The Go-Ahead Group has expanded its Yorkshire and Teesside presence with the acquisitio­n of four coach companies.

The Newcastle bus and rail operator has snapped up Procters Coaches based in North Yorkshire, Compass Royston which serves Stockton, Middlesbro­ugh and Teesside, Esk Valley operating in North and East Riding of Yorkshire, and Fourway Coaches in West Yorkshire.

The acquisitio­n adds 200 new employees including drivers and a fleet of 140 vehicles across five depots, in moves to strengthen the group’s footprint in the region, while also building relationsh­ips with local authoritie­s and commercial partners.

The establishe­d companies bring a wealth of experience and a range of services to the new owners, with services including tendered local bus routes, home-to-school transport, private hire, and commercial contracts. The firm said the acquisitio­n underscore­s its commitment to boosting connectivi­ty and service excellence in the region.

Matt Carney, chief executive of Go-Ahead Bus, said: “This acquisitio­n aligns seamlessly with GoAhead’s overarchin­g mission to provide reliable, accessible, and sustainabl­e transport solutions. We are committed to upholding our values of caring for our customers, our team, and our communitie­s, while maintainin­g our position as trusted industry leaders.”

Ben Gilligan, managing director for East Yorkshire Buses, said: “We are excited to welcome these reputable companies into the Go-Ahead family, this acquisitio­n represents a milestone in our growth journey, allowing us to expand our operations across in Yorkshire.”

Kevin Procter, who founded Procters Coaches in 1990, said: “We’re proud of everything we’ve achieved in the past 30 years. I turned my father’s taxi company into Procters Coaches, starting with one minibus and one large coach. We have been on a journey of growth and innovation, and we are excited to hand over to the trusted GoAhead Group. We are fully supportive of Go-Ahead’s commitment to our team and their approach to driving positive change in the UK coach market, for local communitie­s, customers, and the region.”

The deal comes three months after The Go-Ahead Group struck a deal to acquire Eastbourne Sightseein­g, an operator of scenic bus tours of Eastbourne, Beachy Head, Birling Gap and surroundin­g areas.

 ?? ?? > The Go-Ahead Group has acquired four Yorkshire coach companies
> The Go-Ahead Group has acquired four Yorkshire coach companies

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