The Journal

Changes at Newcastle Airport are the height of good taste

OWEN YOUNGER takes a look at the changes at Newcastle Airport – and goes on a gastronomi­c tour


NEWCASTLE Airport is expecting to welcome over 3.5 million passengers this summer and the airport has invested heavily ahead of the season and the significan­t uplift in travellers it will bring.

Passengers checking in at the airport this year will notice several big difference­s as part of the £20m investment, including a new security search area, transforme­d catering outlets and the world’s first three-tier executive airport lounge.

The redevelope­d security area follows a Government mandate for all UK airports to install ‘next generation’ scanning equipment, and Newcastle’s security search area has now been fully refurbishe­d, offering passengers a new-look start to their trip.

Best of all, the upgraded equipment will allow passengers to leave all liquids and electronic­s in their hand luggage, making the screening process smoother and more efficient and should speed up the queues at busy times.

Once through security, the airport has refurbishe­d many of the catering outlets in the departure lounge, with newly-opened restaurant Aster & Thyme providing luxurious surroundin­gs, floor-to-ceiling views of the airfield and breakfast, lunch and dinner menus featuring locallysou­rced produce.

Also new this year is Soul + Grain, a food-to-go restaurant with fresh and nutritious meals on offer throughout the day, including a wide range of vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options.

Tap + Brew replaces the Beer House, with a refurbishe­d bar showing Sky Sports and a selection of local stotties and a wide range of ontap beers, including a gluten-free option from local supplier Full Circle.

If you fancy something away from the crowds, the airport’s executive lounge, Aspire, has also benefited from an expansion and full refurbishm­ent.

With capacity for over 300 guests, the lounge is now also the first in the world to offer Aspire’s three tiers: Aspire, Luxe and Suite.

Each tier offers a different range of compliment­ary food and drinks, allowing passengers to choose the level that suits their taste or budget .

 ?? ?? > Newcastle Airport unveils a new security search area as part of £20m investment in time for summer
> Newcastle Airport unveils a new security search area as part of £20m investment in time for summer

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