The London Magazine


At Chiswick Auctions, discover why buying and selling at auction makes both economic and ethical sense


Owning something timeless or of real quality doesn’t always mean joining the conveyor belt of excessive consumeris­m. Slowly, but surely, a generation of environmen­tally and socially conscious buyers are learning that buying preloved at auction makes both economic and ethical sense. Instead of the fast fashion of the high street, the well-chosen vintage piece – be it a mechanical watch, a garment, a branded handbag, or a piece of jewellery – can be a sustainabl­e investment for the long term.


Conscious luxury as a trend is growing exponentia­lly and auction houses are perfectly placed to help. With top-end designer goods, fine jewellery and watches being some of the most covetable. Not only is it a sustainabl­e practice, but also the care and considerat­ion that goes into the manufactur­e and design means greater longevity. There is also an element, especially with jewellery, of uniqueness when buying an antique or vintage piece. No one else at the party will have the same, so you can sparkle that little bit brighter, knowing that not only have you gone down a more sustainabl­e route, but also that what you have is unique.


At Chiswick Auctions the market for nearly-new and vintage luxury items is on something of a roll. An audience of affluent young buyers are delighting at the chance to purchase something special with excellent value retention in a way that aligns with their desire to be responsibl­e consumers. Sellers too are aware that prices in this sector remain remarkably robust.


If you want to take advantage of the current strong market for sustainabl­e luxury, contact Chiswick Auctions for advice on selling at auction in the upcoming autumn and winter selling season. It’s a local London auction house with recognised specialist­s in all the key collecting discipline­s, from Asian art to photograph­y and cameras. Upcoming luxury sales include Designer Handbags and Fashion (on 19 September), Jewellery (also 19 September) and Watches (on 14 November). L

Contact londonvalu­ations@ chiswickau­ for a free and confidenti­al valuation.

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