The London Magazine

Material matters

Interior designer Samantha Bartlett on how her studio is designing thoughtful­ly without compromisi­ng on luxury


Describe your design ethos?

We provide our clients with a bespoke service, using our passion and expertise. We aim to deliver a classiccon­temporary aesthetic that will remain timeless and avoid the need to regularly update, which only adds to our disposable culture.

The classic-contempora­ry style is both versatile and elegant, from textures and patterns, to materialit­y. A muted colour palette can be both vibrant and neutral at the same time, and we feel this helps form the perfect ambience for any home.

What guides your creations?

I take inspiratio­n from everywhere, but predominan­tly nature – walks with my family and my cocker spaniel Milo have inspired many of my designs. You can draw inspiratio­n from all around should you be open to it – restaurant­s, hotels, different countries and their cultures. It can be something simple, such as a small detail on a napkin, to larger pieces of art and architectu­re.

As an interior designer, you’re naturally part of a creative network and are regularly amongst specialist­s and other designers. It’s important to learn from and be inspired by those around you when designing.

How important is sustainabi­lity in interior design? Extremely important. Sadly, the industry can be wasteful at times and when you’re an employee you are somewhat constraine­d by your organisati­on. Now as a business owner, I feel a duty to play a part, no matter how small and make change where I can. We promote sustainabl­e living, and offer a range of eco-friendly materials and fabrics within our design. Where possible we re-use furniture or joinery to help minimise waste and reduce our environmen­tal impact. We have also taken steps to educate our team on Environmen­t Social Governance (ESG) and recently became a member of Ecologi, which is a Certified B Corporatio­n.

A good example of this would be in the kitchen. There are plenty of ways to lower a kitchen’s carbon footprint, including upcycling and the use of energyeffi­cient appliances. As a generation, we are becoming increasing­ly environmen­tally conscious and wherever possible make efforts to ensure this follows through in all our designs. Bring your vision to life by calling 020 3086 7100 or view projects designed by Samantha Bartlett Interiors at samanthaba­

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