The Mail on Sunday




44, is a marketing consultant and lives in Kings Hill, Kent, with her partner and two sons. Her starting weight was 11st 6lb and she is 5ft 8in. Michelle, right, says: ‘I’d always been a regular gym-goer and played competitiv­e tennis but I gave up last year as I was just too busy and have done nothing except a few runs. Yet I have continued to drink at least two bottles of wine every weekend and tucked into cakes and biscuits at the office. I’ve gained 10lb and gone from a size 12 to a 14 in six months. I used to feel strong and toned, now I feel wobbly and unfit.’


Drop a dress size, regain waistline.


Paul Williams, personal trainer at Virgin Active in Rochester, Kent, says: ‘Michelle’s plan involves a mixture of long runs and hill sprints outdoors as she has done some running in the past, and to kickstart her fat burning – a 45-minute run can burn up to 800 calories. We focused on circuit training in the gym, doing short, sharp bursts of box jumps, squats and press-ups to get her heart rate up and burn fat. Squats and weight training also helped tone Michelle’s hip and thigh areas. Michelle is eating too many refined carbohydra­tes in the evenings, which won’t help the weight loss. Alcohol packs a lot of empty calories – a glass of wine is 250 calories – but cutting out booze altogether around Christmas can be difficult so I advised Michelle to try a vodka and slimline tonic to cut down on the calories.’


Michelle says: ‘My stomach is flatter, my thighs and upper arms are trimmer and I want to drop another dress size by the end of February. I now drink half wine, half soda water spritzers, and swapped my lunchtime sandwiches for a bowl of soup with a few slices of meat to fill me up. I have sweet potato instead of white potatoes and pasta for dinner.’

Paul says: ‘Although Michelle hasn’t lost weight, she’s replaced fat with muscle and has lost an incredible 8in all over. If she wants to drop another dress size, she should put together a new four- to six-week plan and aim for five workouts a week. To maximise fat burning, she should vary exercises so her body doesn’t get used to the same repetitive actions. Circuit classes are great for this.’

Dr Ashton says: ‘Michelle has lost several inches from around her middle – a good thing, as abdominal fat is the most dangerous type as it is linked to an increased risk of cardiovasc­ular disease, type 2 diabetes and breast cancer.’

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