The Mail on Sunday

IoD chief’s Election warning to business


BRITISH business is facing a dangerous few months, warns Simon Walker, the director general of the Institute of Directors. With an Election looming and politician­s of all parties eager to score populist points, business cannot afford to keep scoring own goals.

‘We are four months away from a General Election which is clearly going to be one of the most fractious and uncertain in British political history. Business is less trusted than it’s been for decades,’ he says.

‘I’m very conscious of the fact that there are politician­s – across the spectrum actually, and not exclusivel­y in the Labour Party – who are highly critical of business, and I’m just very anxious that companies should behave well and not provoke needlessly in the campaign.’

This concern helps explain what, to many, will have seemed like a series of unexpected interventi­ons in public debates by Walker in recent months.

The Institute of Directors, with its

If a firm breaks the rules, it should be condemned – and the IoD will lend its voice

offices and clubrooms in Pall Mall, is a resolutely free-market, pro-business organisati­on. Walker is a former communicat­ions director at British Airways, Reuters, and Buckingham Palace and a former head of the British Venture Capital Associatio­n. In his career and his views he personifie­s those free-market values.

So it was perhaps unexpected that in the last three months of 2014 he chose to lambast oil and gas giant BG Group for offering to pay its new chief executive too much money. That interventi­on followed many other public comments about excessive pay in Britain’s boardrooms. Walker also laid into Premier Foods for bullying its suppliers with demands for extra payments to keep their contracts – the so-called ‘payto-stay’ scandal.

But to Walker it all makes perfect sense. Business must be sensitive to public concerns and it must not give ammunition to the politician­s who might be tempted to intervene.

He says: ‘I would say this at any time, but in this period it is particular­ly sensitive. We have had threats to intervene in banking and energy and across a whole range of businesses. I don’t want to give any more justificat­ion or legitimacy to that.

‘I think there is a special responsibi­lity on people like me who believe passionate­ly in free enterprise and competitio­n to speak out if they see things that are damaging the free market or are anti-competitiv­e. I think it’s particular­ly true in very politicall­y sensitive times.’

This sensitive – one could say modern – side is reflected in some of the superficia­l changes at the Institute of Directors under Walker. Its main entrance is still a typical Pall Mall building – pillars, sweeping staircases and wood-panelling.

Walker himself, however, is not quite classic British establishm­ent. Born in South Africa and educated at Oxford, the 61-year-old spent his early career as a journalist in New Zealand. His office is far from a wood-panelled affair, instead being a clean white-walled modern one on the top floor. He has also done away with the rule that requires members and visitors to wear ties while in the hallowed halls of the IoD.

The subject of business responsibi­lity is high on the agenda again this weekend with the recent collapse of City Link. Its owners, private equity group Better Capital, have been accused of cynicism in allowing the bill for redundanci­es to fall back on the taxpayer, as well as heartless insensitiv­ity for putting the company into administra­tion on Christmas Eve.

Walker cautiously avoids rushing to judgment. He says: ‘The timing of City Link’s collapse must have been a terrible blow for its employees. But the distressin­g truth is that business failure cannot always be avoided. If the owners and management acted in good faith and did all they could to turn the business around, then there is nothing to be done but see that the process of unwinding happens in an orderly manner with a focus on the welfare of the staff.

‘If a business breaks the rules and mistreats employees or customers they should rightly be condemned, and the IoD will lend its voice. But it’s very important to distinguis­h this from unfortunat­e cases where firms just go under.’

But while reserving judgment on City Link, Walker does believe there is more to business standards than a rule book. He says: ‘It’s not enough to say “we didn’t break the law” or “it wasn’t illegal”. There are other questions like “was it ethical?”, “was it treating your customers and suppliers with respect?”

‘That I think is at the heart of business. Because business is about vol- untary exchanges between willing participan­ts – suppliers on one side and the people they are supplying on the other, and it’s important that

Politician­s in an election cycle are scouring for populist issues they can seize on

both sides feel they are getting something out of it.

‘You can’t rip off customers and treat employees badly and say “oh, but we weren’t breaking the law”. You may not go to prison but you’re going to make an awful lot of enemies. That was my real feeling about Premier Foods, for example. Yes, it’s perfectly true it wasn’t against the law. But it was not treating your suppliers with respect. It was holding them over a barrel because you could. And if you do that you’re going to be regarded with suspicion and distaste, and it’s never in business’s interests to be regarded with suspicion and distaste.’

As Walker says with a General Election four months away, politician­s can make hay with public suspicion. At the same time he does recognise the pressure that politician­s face from the public.

He says: ‘It’s quite difficult for politician­s to turn round and say they don’t have the power to do something. But actually they shouldn’t have the power to do a lot of things, and we don’t want them to have the power. But they will take that power to themselves if push comes to shove. And that is just as true of Conservati­ve politician­s as it is of Labour ones.’

So having lambasted Premier Foods for its bullying behaviour, Walker is clear that laws such as the ban on firms demanding charges on suppliers that has been proposed by Labour would be wrong.

He says: ‘I don’t believe that’s right. I think business should fix itself. I think it’s a wholly inappropri­ate thing for politician­s to be legislatin­g over, because they will get it wrong. The point about the free market is it is self correcting.’

He cites the controvers­y over zero-hours contracts as a similar case. These contracts allow an employer to pay a worker for each hour worked without guaranteei­ng how much work they will be given.

‘Zero-hours contracts have a valuable place in business. And they mean a lot of people have jobs who wouldn’t otherwise have jobs,’ Walker insists. But he adds a crucial caveat: ‘It is abusive behaviour to tie in your people with whom you have a zero-hours contract with an exclusivit­y clause which says they can’t work for anyone else.

‘That is an abuse. It should not be done. It may not be illegal, but it should not be done. If businesses do it they are inviting their political masters to make it illegal. Because politician­s in an election cycle are scouring the horizon for populist issues they can seize on because there are votes in it.’

He should know having been a policy adviser at No10 under John Major. He continues: ‘An election cycle is a febrile environmen­t.’

So for Walker it seems the best thing would be for business not to attract too many nasty headlines over the next few months and for politician­s to resist electionee­ring with anti-business rhetoric.

Along with that free-market zeal, Walker is obviously also quite an optimist.

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 ??  ?? INFLUENCE: Simon Walker was a policy
adviser at No10 under John Major
INFLUENCE: Simon Walker was a policy adviser at No10 under John Major
 ??  ?? PRESTIGIOU­S: The headquarte­rs of the Institute of Directors in Pall Mall
PRESTIGIOU­S: The headquarte­rs of the Institute of Directors in Pall Mall
 ??  ??

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