The Mail on Sunday

In a spin about money? Some simple steps to get your finances fitter



THERE are plenty of simple ways to boost your salary this year without seriously curtailing your lifestyle, according to Calum Bennie, savings expert at insurer Scottish Friendly.

He says: ‘There are easy things you can do such as making your own lunch and bringing your own coffee to work. You could also switch your gym membership to a cheaper local authority gym.’

Shopping at budget supermarke­ts can save you money, but Bennie says cutting down on the amount of food purchased can prove kinder on the pocket.

He says: ‘We carried out research recently that found UK households on average throw away food worth nearly £500 a year.’

The same research revealed that nearly half of people had bought clothes or electrical items in the last year that they either did not need or use, wasting a further £90.

One wise shopper is 32-yearold Chris Donkin, from Clapham, South-West London.

Chris, who works in marketing for a technology company, and is saving up for a deposit to buy his first home, says: ‘I shop carefully and avoid bulk deals so that I do not end up binning food.

‘I buy individual bread rolls rather than loaves of bread and at lunchtime I always look for food bargains such as a Tesco meal deal for £3.’

Chris has also joined his nearest local authority gym to keep himself – and his finances – fitter. He says: ‘I pay about £35 a month rather than the £85 I would pay going private.’

 ??  ?? LEAN AND MEAN: Chris Donkin joined his cheaper local authority gym
LEAN AND MEAN: Chris Donkin joined his cheaper local authority gym

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