The Mail on Sunday



16 The below-stairs scenes are filmed at:

a) Ealing Studios b) Highclere Castle c) Pinewood Studios d) 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey

17 There was a furore in the fourth series when Julian Fellowes was (falsely) accused of including an inappropri­ate phrase. What was it?

a) You’re having a laugh b) Steep learning curve c) You’re completely out of order d) Thunderbir­ds are go!

18 According to executive producer Gareth Neame, which shocking new developmen­t will occur at the house in the final season?

a) It will be opened to the public b) It will be converted into a boarding school c) It will be sold to a rich industrial­ist

19 Which inappropri­ate object appeared in a promotiona­l photograph of Hugh Bonneville and Laura Carmichael in character as Lord Grantham and Lady Edith?

a) An iPhone b) A bottle of mineral water c) A packet of chewing gum d) A DVD of the BBC’s Poldark

20 Julian Fellowes was accused of stealing a plot for a scene in the first series from an old film – when the Dowager Countess decides at the last minute not to award the prize for best roses to her own gardener but to give it to Bill Molesley, Mr Molesley’s father. What was the film?

a) Rebecca (1940), starring Joan Fontaine and Laurence Olivier b) Mrs Miniver (1942), starring Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon c) The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1947), starring Danny Kaye and Boris Karloff

21 Dan Stevens, below, quit the role of Matthew Crawley in 2012 to try for a career in Hollywood. He is currently working on a star role in a movie musical that suggests he may succeed. Is he…

a) Bert, in a new version of Mary Poppins b) Mr Mistoffele­es, in a new version of Cats c) The Beast, in a new version of Beauty And The Beast

22 The mistress of Downton Abbey is American-born Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham. What was her maiden name?

a) Robinson b) Stevenson c) Levinson

23 SO HOW DID THE PLOT THICKEN? Match each of the plot devices to their key elements:

i) What Lady Edith inherited from her lover Michael Gregson

ii) The evidence Lady Mary threw in the fire that could have proved Bates’s innocence of the murder of Mr Green

iii) The disastrous purchase that almost bankrupted Lord Grantham

iv) The intricacie­s of which Mrs Patmore explained to Lady Sybil, to help her contribute to the war effort

v) What Mr Bates was accused of stealing by Thomas and O’Brien, which they had, in fact, set up

a) Shares in The Grand Trunk Railway b) A cup of tea c) An antique snuff box d) A train ticket from York to London e) A London flat and a magazine, The Sketch

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