The Mail on Sunday

Getting into the swing at the birthplace of jazz

- By Dea Birkett

WE’RE swinging along to the rhythm, heads nodding and feet tapping. I’m with my 21-yearold daughter, actress Storme Toolis, as a jazz band plays in the Spotted Cat in New Orleans. It’s utterly intoxicati­ng.

This isn’t Storme’s usual beat – she’s more Lady Gaga than Fats Waller. But in the BBC crime series New Tricks, her character, Holly Griffiths, is a jazz fan, so we’ve come to New Orleans for some inspiratio­n.

We began our musical journey on a walking tour around the French Quarter.

First, our guide Milton gave us a lesson in how to talk like a local. New Orleans is pronounced as one long, slow, slurred word – Nawleens. And everyone calls you ‘baby’.

The city is a heady mix of Creole and Cajun, black and white, the privileged and dispossess­ed, which lent jazz its unique sound.

Strolling past the bars of Bourbon Street down to Jackson Square on the Mississipp­i riverfront was like walking through a never-ending open-air concert. The sounds of the horse-drawn carriages’ squeaky wooden wheels and trotting hooves were percussion for the improvised bands stationed on each street corner.

Music was happening inside every property too: a trumpet’s blast from Basin Street bars, the tinkling of chandelier­s from the opulent antique stores in Royal Street, and a long slow note from a trombone from behind the painted wooden shutters of a plantation house.

Jumping into a taxi, jazz from one of the local radio stations was blaring out. Our driver asked: ‘Do you like jazz?’ Then, without waiting for an answer, he added: ‘Of course! Everyone does!’

Storme didn’t. She wasn’t keen on going to Preservati­on Hall, dedicated to preserving traditiona­l jazz since 1961, but Milton persuaded her by explaining that in the 1920s, jazz was the sound of youth – parents and newspapers were up in arms at this new-fangled music. In Nawleens, Milton said, it’s not just old guys blowing their own trumpets – cool kids do it too.

There weren’t any kids playing during our visit to Preservati­on Hall but the music, tinged with sadness, stole our hearts nonetheles­s. That night they played the same sad tunes in Arnaud’s, a lovely, luscious restaurant with its own Petit Theatre attached. The jazz trio serenaded Storme with What A Wonderful World, and I watched as her anti-jazz heart melted.

We spent our final night at the Spotted Cat. As we headed back to our accommodat­ion, a dozen young men in hoodies, bobble hats and thick fleece jogging pants were outside giving their all on clarinet, trumpets, saxophone and tuba.

After a week in New Orleans, Storme was into a whole new groove. The city had made her fall in love with jazz.

 ??  ?? STRIKING THE RIGHT NOTE: A band on the streets of New Orleans
STRIKING THE RIGHT NOTE: A band on the streets of New Orleans

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