The Mail on Sunday

£4bn bust-up

She’s the ex who wants her hands on his cash. He’s the sheik who’ll do anything to stop her. Now things have taken a truly bizarre turn in Britain’s ...

- by Simon Cable

WHEN former supermodel Christina Estrada discovered that her billionair­e husband had secretly married another woman, the stage was set for one of the biggest divorce battles in British history.

Ms Estrada, an American-born Pirelli calendar girl and a long-time friend of Prince Andrew, launched proceeding­s in the High Court, laying claim to a share of Sheik Walid Juffali’s £4billion fortune.

But if the humiliatin­g news of the Saudi oil tycoon’s new wife stunned Ms Estrada, his next move came as even more of a shock.

For Mr Juffali, 60, faces questions about his newly acquired ‘diplomatic immunity’, which may allow him to avoid the costly divorce case altogether. It is a move which could leave Ms Estrada without any binding financial agreement and could go down in history as one of the most elaborate ploys ever used to avoid a settlement.

Mr Juffali denies any wrongdoing, but what is clear is that, with fortuitous timing, the oil tycoon has been appointed St Lucia’s permanent representa­tive to the UN’s Internatio­nal Maritime Organisati­on, whose headquarte­rs are in London – despite spending hardly any time on the Caribbean island and having no obvious experience in maritime affairs.

The IMO ensures security regulation­s are met across the world’s shipping industry. Records reveal that of the 27 IMO meetings held in the 19 months since Mr Juffali’s appointmen­t, he has not attended a single one.

Last year’s appointmen­t, accompanie­d by a string of alleged investment­s on the island, led to Mr Juffali’s name being added to London’s Diplomatic List. The Mail on Sunday understand­s this has ensured he has been able to resist any attempt by Ms Estrada to have the divorce case heard in the capital. As soon as the IMO appointmen­t was in place and his immunity was assured, friends of Ms Estrada say Mr Juffali demanded a separation and served her with divorce papers.

It came after he launched proceeding­s in the traditiona­l Muslim way, securing a taraq divorce by saying, ‘I divorce you’ three times while in Saudi Arabia.

A source said: ‘Christina was shocked when she learned Walid had immunity from the courts. He had no obvious connection with St Lucia, so to have gained this position when he did was extraordin­ary.’

It is understood that Mr Juffali denies the appointmen­t was sought by him to avoid legal proceeding­s and says that it was made in accordance with standard diplomatic procedures. He says there are no grounds to question his suitabilit­y.

Ms Estrada, 53, discovered that Mr Juffali had married again under Islamic law – which permits him to have up to four wives – around the time of her lavish 50th birthday party in 2012.

She is said to have confronted her husband shortly after a TV report was broadcast in Lebanon announcing Mr Juffali’s wedding to Beirut beauty Loujain Adada, then 24, a former MTV presenter. Weeks after the report, Mr Juffali hosted a no- expenses-spared wedding reception in Venice.

Ms Estrada launched divorce proceeding­s in 2013, but they were never followed up by her lawyers after Mr Juffali insisted he had made a huge mistake by marrying Miss Adada and promised to divorce her. But four months later, it is understood that Mr Juffali made his first trip to St Lucia. The visit was prompted by a meeting with St Lucia’s then High Commission­er to London, Ernest Hillaire.

So impressed was Mr Hillaire by Mr Juffali’s business credential­s that he apparently almost immediatel­y agreed to stand down from his role as St Lucia’s permanent representa­tive to the IMO – and instead recommende­d to the island’s Prime Minister Kenny Anthony that Mr Juffali take his place. This week, St Lucia’s ruling Labour government issued an extraordin­ary press release in which they stood by his controvers­ial appointmen­t, describing it as a ‘private matter’.

Mr Hillaire has since stood down from his post as High Commission­er. He did not disclose his financial assets in 2013, despite the island’s Integrity Commission requiring officials to disclose their income and properties.

Allen Chastanet, leader of St Lucia’s opposition United Workers’ Party, accused the government of ‘sullying the name of St Lucia’ by appointing Mr Juffali.

‘This type of behaviour makes a laughing stock of St Lucia,’ he said.

Mr Juffali owns three properties in the UK, including a £60 million converted church in Knightsbri­dge, London, and a £15million mansion in Egham, Surrey. He lives in London with his new wife.

Representa­tives for Ms Estrada refused to comment last night, while Mr Hillaire declined to comment on Mr Juffali’s appointmen­t to the IMO.

 ??  ?? LONG-TIME FRIENDS:SPLIT:Walid Juffali and ChristinaE­stradaChri­stina Estrada with Prince Andrew. Right: Mr Juffali’s £15million property in Egham, Surrey
LONG-TIME FRIENDS:SPLIT:Walid Juffali and ChristinaE­stradaChri­stina Estrada with Prince Andrew. Right: Mr Juffali’s £15million property in Egham, Surrey

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