The Mail on Sunday

Why injuries shouldn’t stop you


THE list of injuries I have suffered over the years is fairly impressive, but I’ve always been determined not to let them get in the way of doing the things I love. I’ve noted some of my major mishaps on the photo of me as Roxie Hart, from the hit musical Chicago, above. I’ve had doctors urging me to get a hip replacemen­t, and shoulder surgery. But then I found a much simpler remedy: physiother­apy. My therapists have taught me how to continue exercising, but how to do it correctly, and not cause my body any more damage. Even if you’re not injured, it’s worth having a few sessions.

1. THE BIRD INCIDENT Trying to save a wounded bird, I tripped, tore a muscle and severely bruised the bone near my left eye.

2. THE BOATING ACCIDENT I was sitting on the back of a motorboat when a rogue wave threw me headfirst into the wall of the pilot house, causing a compressed disc in my neck.

3. THE WEIGHTLIFT­ING INJURY Ruined my rotator cuff, the inner shoulder muscle.

4. MY COMPETITIV­E INSTINCT INJURY Recently, I aggravated an old shoulder injury trying to keep up with my daughter Sailor in an exercise class.

5. THE PLAYGROUND FALL During a skipping race, I fell and broke my arm in two places.

6. THE TUMBLEWEED TUMBLE I fell off my horse and landed on my tailbone… broken!

7. THE CHAIRLIFT ACCIDENT The sign said ‘Keep tips up’. I didn’t. My tips slipped under the snow and almost pulled my leg off, leaving me with a torn hip joint.

8. THE HELI-SKI CRASH It was a brush with death that left behind scar tissue and bruising.

9. THE PYJAMA INCIDENT Last year I broke my left foot by running full steam ahead and getting my big toe tangled in my pyjama leg.

10. THE TRAMPOLINE INCIDENT While doing flips, my leg went through the springs and I broke my foot.

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