The Mail on Sunday

British spy’s dirty dossier is ‘garbage’

- From Caroline Graham IN LOS ANGELES

THE damning dossier which claimed President-elect Donald Trump cavorted with prostitute­s during a trip to Russia has been dismissed as ‘garbage’ by a former top US intelligen­ce chief.

British-born diplomat John Negroponte, who served as director of National Intelligen­ce and Deputy Secretary of State under George W. Bush, said the 35-page dossier prepared by ex-M16 spy Christophe­r Steele should never have been made public.

The explosive report into Trump’s alleged ties with Russia, including the most scandalous allegation that he paid for prostitute­s to perform a ‘perverted’ sex act in front of him in a hotel room during a 2003 Miss Universe contest, surfaced this week after it was sent to President Obama, Trump and US intelligen­ce heads and leaked to the media.

It has cast a deep shadow over Friday’s forthcomin­g inaugurati­on ceremony. But last night Negroponte, a senior Republican figure who signed a letter before the US election last November warning Trump would be the ‘most reckless’ President in history, defended him saying: ‘I’m a little bit surprised that the matter was even brought to the attention of the President and the President-elect.

‘How can you build a whole dossier on one unconfirme­d report. Right now, I’d put it in the garbage category.

‘I’ve seen thousands of reports… and I’ve seen many where he didn’t have another source to corroborat­e the allegation and so we just put it off to the side. I’d be saying “The President doesn’t need to see that yet but let’s keep and eye on it and see what happens”.’

Steele remained in hiding last night with his second wife and three children after fleeing his Surrey home this week when the report became public. He is said to be in fear of his life.

Cambridge-educated Steele, who Trump branded a ‘failed spy’, was said to have been paid £130,000 to compile the dossier after his intelligen­ce firm, Orbis, was hired by Trump’s Republican enemies and supporters of Democrat rival Hillary Clinton to dig dirt on the billionair­e mogul.

When Trump won the election in November, Steele reportedly contin- ued digging without pay after becoming so worried about alleged ties between Trump and the Kremlin.

It was suggested yesterday that UK intelligen­ce services, while aware of the dossier, could not verify any of the claims so had not shared the details with senior British politician­s.

In America, despite their scepticism about the claims, intelligen­ce chiefs worried about a media leak briefed the incoming and outgoing Presidents.

Meanwhile, Trump’s inaugurati­on plans were described as ‘in total chaos’ by one wealthy supporter. The source said several millionair­e Trump donors who have paid around £100,000 to attend Friday’s swearing-in have yet to receive their tickets.

Trump has come under fire for ‘cashing in’ on the event by hiking prices at his newly-opened Trump Internatio­nal Hotel in Washington DC, which will be the centre of festivitie­s.

The source said: ‘The new President and his family have made it clear their hotel is ground zero during the inaugurati­on… so if you want to have any chance of getting close to him, you have to stay in his hotel.’

Suites which normally go for £2,000 a night are being offered at £8,000 a night, with a five-night minimum stay, the insider claimed.

‘The rooms are going for two or three times what a comparable room goes for at any other five-star hotel in town,’ added the source. ‘Where’s the money going? Straight into Trump’s pocket.’

 ??  ?? IN HIDING: Former MI6 spy Christophe­r Steele prepared the dossier on Trump
IN HIDING: Former MI6 spy Christophe­r Steele prepared the dossier on Trump

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