The Mail on Sunday

Why didn’t you kill me when I was born, mummy?

Those were the heart-rending words of Gina Miller’s autistic daughter – in a trauma far tougher than her Brexit legal challenge

- by Angella Johnson

THESE are testing times for Gina Miller, the businesswo­man currently at the centre of one of the biggest constituti­onal battles the country has ever seen. The Supreme Court is expected to give its final judgment on her landmark legal challenge within a fortnight – one which will determine whether, as she contends, Parliament must be consulted before triggering Brexit.

And while she is quietly confident of a victory which would prove a very public snub to Prime Minister Theresa May, it has come at a considerab­le personal cost, including public vilificati­on. Indeed, she lives in constant fear for herself and her family, and the police consider the threats against her – which range from sexual abuse to death threats – to be entirely serious.

Yet away from the public gaze, there is another, more private but much more significan­t battle for Gina Miller, one she must continue fighting long after the arguments over Brexit have faded into history.

And that is bringing up her eldest daughter Lucy-Ann, 28, who has serious learning difficulti­es.

It is, Gina says, the most important challenge in her life. ‘She is perfectly beautiful and, although you can’t really tell from looking at her, she has special needs,’ Gina explains.

‘In some ways that makes her life worse for her. People have been very cruel because they don’t realise she is not the same as every- one else. They don’t give her enough time when she is slow to, say, get change out of her purse; or give her a second chance when she is hesitating. She is 28 and has a reading age of six, a writing age of four, and very little short-term memory.

‘I’ve always impressed on her that she is special, so she is well aware of her difference­s. But it really hit her hard after my two youngest were born. She went through a tough time then. She saw them growing and doing things that she couldn’t do, and it made her frustrated.

‘She started to get depressed and angry. Then one day, to my absolute shock, she asked me, “Why didn’t you just kill me when I was born.” Even now it breaks my heart to think that she even thought about such a thing.’

Describing her daughter as ‘dif-

ferently abled’, Gina argues that we should learn to appreciate people like Lucy-Ann, whose humanity has kept her sane throughout these tough past few months. The Mayans and Incas once revered people who were ‘child-like’, believing them to be closer to the gods, she says. ‘My daughter has always been an inspiratio­n for me. She has amazing emotional intelligen­ce.

‘When I explained to her that I was going to court, I told her that some people would not be very kind to us. She asked if they were like the bullies at school and said, “But you’ve got to stand up to bullies.”

‘She can feel my emotions and if I’m upset she gives me the warmest smile and the best cuddles.’

It is a sensitive topic for Gina, whose three children are, she accepts, her emotional Achilles heel.

We meet in a private office in Chelsea. Slender and perfectly polished, the businesswo­man is unexpected­ly warm with an easy, engaging smile.

She says she is still stunned by the racism and sexism thrown at her since taking on the Government over the issue of sovereignt­y. So much so, that before the next vicious wave of attacks begin, she wants to send a message to the haters: ‘We must learn to cherish and value those who are different – not just in their abilities, but also in race and religion.’

Britain has, she says, become a very divided and intolerant society, and she now worries about the kind of world her three children – the younger two are aged nine and 11, by her third husband – have been brought into.

‘What troubles me,’ she continues, ‘is that I feel we have gone backward in terms of race relations. It is as if people now feel they have been given permission to say whatever they want to about anyone who does not share their views. I’ve actually been told, “We should go back to slavery,” which may sound ridiculous, but I think Brexit has opened up a deep vein of ugliness and bigotry, where people think it is acceptable to say the most vile and unacceptab­le things to someone of another race.

‘We might mock America over Trump, but we have the same level of intoleranc­e here and in the rest of Europe. I knew people would be cross, but I did not expect the really vicious personal attack on my ethnicity, being a woman and being part of the elite – which I really am not.’

Born in Guyana, South America, Gina has lived in Britain since she was 11. Her wealthy parents – her father was Guyana’s attorney general – sent her to Roedean, the prestigiou­s girls’ school in East Sussex. She ran away after being bullied and has pretty much made her way in the world on her own since then.

SHE went on to study law at university, but did not sit her finals because of a ‘trauma’ that she refuses to discuss. Her striking looks led to some modelling work and she also acted as a backing singer for the soul group, The Stylistics, when they toured the UK.

She is said to have been the inspiratio­n behind playwright Dennis Potter’s racy BBC drama Blackeyes, which starred Gina Bellman as a fashion model.

Later, she married her childhood sweetheart and became pregnant with Lucy-Ann, but knew from the outset, following a prolonged labour, that something was wrong with her baby.

The hospital had given her drugs to delay her contractio­ns for a day, because no doctor was available.

‘Lots of people said I was imagining things, but my maternal instincts told me and by the time Lucy-Ann was two I knew for sure. She had been deprived of oxygen and was distressed by the delivery.

‘As a baby she was so good that it was almost unnatural. She never cried. She was so quiet that I sometimes forgot to feed her. If I gave her a toy she would smell and stroke the material, and if I gave her a book she would smell it.’

By the age of two, when her daughter made no attempt to walk, Gina took her to see child experts. They said not to worry.

‘Everyone was very negative. I decided that she was just going to be the best she could be,’ she says.

Sadly, her commitment to Lucy-Ann contribute­d to the end of her marriage.

‘I spent a lot of time with her because I was determined

I have always been a fighter but Lucy-Ann turned me into a lioness

that she would learn to be more than people told me to expect from her. My whole life was about her. I was a single parent from the time she was four, so when I decided to go back to university to study marketing I just took her to lectures. She would lie on my lap sleeping. I did all kinds of jobs, including modelling and serving at Pizza Express, to support us.’ Lucy-Ann was eventually diagnosed with dyslexia, dyspraxia and autism. Her biggest fear now is that her daughter’s trusting nature could be abused. Lucy-Ann was bullied at school by children who burned her with cigarettes and stole her clothing. ‘They told her she was dirty because her skin was dark and I found her scrubbing herself raw to get lighter,’ says Gina. More worryingly, LucyAnn was groomed on Facebook, after her school helped her set up an account, without her mother’s knowledge. She narrowly escaped an encounter with a middle-aged lothario, who pretended to be a teenager and lured her with gifts and flowers. Gina’s second marriage was to controvers­ial financier Jon Maguire, whose investment fund later lost about £120million. She walked away from that marriage after meeting her current husband, City financier Alan Miller, in 2002. Known as Mr Hedge Fund, she lives with him and their two children, in a £7million property in Chelsea. The pair now run their own investment firm, a philanthro­pic foundation and campaign against dishonest charges in the financial industry. ‘I’ve had two divorces but I’ve left with nothing,’ says Gina. ‘I am quite capable of earning my own money. I’ve always believed it was right to act when you know that someone is doing something wrong. ‘I’m very confident in who I am and why I do things. If you have that inner honesty, you can face any challenge.’ Lucy-Ann lived with them until recently but has now moved into her own ‘assisted living’ home. Gina admits it was hard to let go. ‘When I turned 50 it really hit me that I had to start the process of allowing her to become more independen­t. I’m giving myself a ten-year separation plan.’ It has clearly not been easy to cut the invisible cord. Gina is fiercely protective. ‘I have always been a fighter, but my daughter turned me into a lioness. I would have taken on anyone for her. I battled a lot of people to have her with me. My mother wanted me to send her to Guyana, so she could put her into a convent. I said no.’ It is this very personal battle which has given Gina the strength to cope throughout the latest constituti­onal tussles, leaving her feeling largely positive about her team’s chances of success – not that she is against Brexit, believing simply that key decisions should be taken by Parliament itself. Neverthele­ss, she accepts there is a chance the court judgment could go against her. That, too, she will take in her stride. ‘I’ve had lots of failures and challenges, but I don’t see the point of crying over spilled milk because you can’t undo things that happen to you and it is a waste of energy… you just have to get on with it,’ she says. ‘This is my home, my children’s home and my husband’s home. Others might say that I don’t have the right to challenge the Government. But when I look into my children’s eyes, I do so knowing that I fought to make this country somewhere they can proudly call home.’

She can feel mym emotions and if I’m upset she gives me the warmest smile and the best cuddles. She is an inspiratio­n

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 ??  ??
 ??  ?? LOVING ARMS: Gina with her daughter Lucy-Ann. Inset: With the baby who ‘hardly ever cried’
LOVING ARMS: Gina with her daughter Lucy-Ann. Inset: With the baby who ‘hardly ever cried’
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? CONTENT: Lucy-Ann shows her happy nature
CONTENT: Lucy-Ann shows her happy nature

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