The Mail on Sunday

Choc horror! Favourite Dairy Milk bars made in Poland

- By Harry Wallop

THE US owner of Cadbury is breaking a key promise and making an increasing amount of its iconic Dairy Milk chocolate bars in Poland rather than at its British base.

Mondelez, which was created by Kraft, is making large 300g bars of Dairy Milk and some classic size 95g bars of the brand to its expanded factories in Wroclaw.

This breaks a pledge given in the wake of Kraft’s bitter takeover of the British company seven years ago that it would continue to make the sweets at its historic Bournville home in the West Midlands.

The Mail on Sunday found large Dairy Milk bars – brandishin­g a specific code on the wrapper indicating they were made in Poland – on sale in the UK in various major retailers, while the 95g bars were on sale in smaller shops.

Last night Mondelez insisted that the production in Poland of 95g bars was a ‘temporary move’ because Bournville had been busy.

But many traditiona­lists claim it is another sign that the link between Britain’s biggest chocolate brand and its old Quaker headquarte­rs near Birmingham is being weakened.

James Cadbury, a member of the founding family, who now runs his own chocolate company, Love Cocoa, said: ‘I’m very disappoint­ed. Bournville and Dairy Milk are synonymous.’

Within weeks of Kraft’s £11.5billion takeover of Cadbury in 2010, it closed a factory in Somerdale, near Bristol, putting 400 people out of work.

As a result, Kraft executives were quizzed by MPs. Trevor Bond, president of Kraft Foods Europe, said the company would continue to make Dairy Milk in the UK ‘for as long as our consumers are delighted by the taste and the product’. Last night, Mondelez said: ‘The 95g bar has returned to Bournville.’

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