The Mail on Sunday

The Donald’s ‘alternativ­e facts’ about Brexit call


DONALD Trump wrongly claimed he predicted the result of Britain’s EU referendum while at a golf course in Scotland.

In another example of what his advisers term ‘alternativ­e facts’, the US President boasted last Friday that he had foretold the Brexit result the day before the June 23 poll, declaring: ‘I happened to be in Scotland in Turnberry cutting a ribbon when Brexit happened...

‘And I said – this was the day before, you probably remember – Brexit is going to happen and I was scorned in the press for making that prediction. I was scorned.’ In fact, Mr Trump had his dates wrong and he only left the US for the UK after the polling stations had closed.

He had tweeted late that night, just before the result was known: ‘Leaving now for a onenight trip to Scotland in order to be at the Grand Opening of my great Turnberry Resort.’

The following morning he wrote: ‘Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote.’

HOT AIR: Trump on his visit to Scotland – the day after the EU vote

Trump last night over his reported request to play the nine-hole golf course as a guest of the Queen at her Balmoral estate during his visit, mooted for June. However it is believed Her Majesty is unwilling to bring forward her routine of going to Scotland in September.

Regardless of whether they have a formal meeting, Trump will be unable to avoid Charles altogether. The heir to the throne customaril­y greets a visiting head of state on his arrival in Britain and escorts them to Horse Guards Parade for a ceremonial parade with the Queen.

Afterwards, Trump and wife Melania are expected to spend two nights at Buckingham Palace, which will include a State banquet. There is no question of Prince Charles missing the banquet – as he did last year when Chinese President Xi Jinping made an official visit.

His absence sparked speculatio­n that it was linked to the Prince’s support for the exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama.

It was the latest in a string of snubs to the Chinese by Prince Charles. He boycotted the 2008 Beijing Olympics in Beijing due to his support for Tibet and called China’s leaders ‘appalling old waxworks’ after the handover of Hong Kong to Beijing in 1997.

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