The Mail on Sunday

QUOTES of the week


‘The children used to push him around in a wheelbarro­w. He knew which house was good for cider and would often go to draw a mug.’ Margaret Groom

reveals how a gorilla called John Daniel was adopted by the Cotswolds village of Uley during the First World War.

‘Alternativ­e facts? They are falsehoods.’ US broadcaste­r Chuck Todd

challenges President Trump’s aide Kellyanne Conway, who said the White House would put ‘alternativ­e facts out there’.

‘Any proposal which drives up the costs of tequila or margaritas is a bad idea. Mucho sad.’ Republican Senator Lindsey Graham

urges Trump not to tax Mexican imports to pay for a border wall. ‘We can laugh, dance and fall in love – it’s when they try to fix us that problems come.’

Model Hanne Gaby Odiele

reveals she is ‘intersex’ – born with the traits of both sexes.

‘The Big Friendly Giant at the wheel of Noddy’s car.’ Descriptio­n of 6ft 6in car dealer Adam Elliott

who admitting dangerous driving for having his head above the windscreen of a convertibl­e Ford Ka.

‘I was a kind of torturer. It was acceptable then.’ Tory MP Bob Stewart,

a former Army officer, admits his interrogat­ion tactics during the Troubles would not be tolerated today.

‘Our opponents think there’s an MI6 officer behind every bush and that we’re 10,000 times larger than we are.’ SIS chief Sir Andrew Younger

concedes that the James Bond link to his organisati­on has certain advantages.

‘Once I was so out of it I nodded off during my driving test. I woke up and found a note saying, “You’ve failed.”’ Rock star Ozzy Osbourne

says his wild ways put paid to hopes of getting his licence.

‘She’s very laid-back. I’m sure her Manolos

are muddy.’ Fashion journalist Plum Sykes

pays tribute to Alexandra Shulman, left, who is stepping down as Vogue editor after 25 years.

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