The Mail on Sunday

Why our Army should always Be the Best!


So, as you reported on your front page last week – until Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson intervened – the British Army had planned to ditch its ‘Be the Best’ motto because it was thought not inclusive enough.

What would they replace it with, I wonder: ‘Be Average’? If they were allowed to get away with this, I’m sure valour medals would be next to be scrapped, as the Victoria Cross would be thought too elitist.

And all to presumably attract more mediocre recruits and losers, who doubtless would be taught that it’s not the winning of a war that’s important, but the taking part!

Roy Daniels, Luton, Bedfordshi­re

The plan to axe the Army’s ‘Be the Best’ slogan was absurd and would have been a scandalous waste of Ministry of Defence funds.

It should be of concern that this seemingly politicall­y correct brainchild came from the head of the British Army, General Sir Nick Carter. What other unchecked, costly and demoralisi­ng plans has the general got in mind? One thing’s for sure – it would have cost nothing for him to have walked into a junior-ranks Naafi club unannounce­d and asked servicemen what their views were. I know what I would have told him.

Mark Iles, former soldier, Newark, Nottingham­shire

Considerin­g the British Army is so strapped for cash, why would they think it’s a bright idea to spend money on rebranding?

‘Be the Best’ is a statement that perfectly sums up what British soldiers should be aiming to be.

Kevin Hollifield,

Bargoed, South Wales On the subject of our defences, I would like to take issue with what Peter Hitchens wrote last week about Lord Bramall. He agreed with the Field Marshal that no British Prime Minister would ever use a nuclear deterrent. Personally, I cannot imagine a PM not pressing the button should, God forbid, an aggressor decide to launch a nuclear attack on this country.

I would fully expect any present or future leader (including Jeremy Corbyn) to defend this country with every measure available. If this means, in the face of the total destructio­n of the UK, the need to retaliate in full, then they should do so without hesitation.

If our chosen political leader of the time decides they have no stomach for this action, I would hope our nuclear submarine commanders and crews would do the right thing and launch the missiles regardless.

J. Dillon, Leeds

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