The Mail on Sunday


Singing star Alexander O’Neal has a controvers­ial message for music chiefs...

- By Donna Ferguson

ALEXANDER O’Neal, the legendary R&B singer, could earn £2 million a night performing his music if he was white – or so he believes.

The American singer, who famously quit Celebrity Big Brother in 2015, took home nearly £1,500 a minute performing hits such as If You Were Here Tonight and Criticize at Wembley in the 1980s.

But he says that is nothing compared to what he would be able to earn if he was the same artist but the colour of his skin was white.

He laments the lack of black music executives at the top of record labels in the US and praises his predominan­tly white audiences in the UK for being more open to R&B music.

Raised in rural Mississipp­i, O’Neal has never forgotten how hard his mother worked as a maid to support him and his five siblings. His greatest accomplish­ment, he says, was buying his mother the home he had always wanted her to have.

Now 63, he lives with wife Cynthia, 55, in Manchester and will begin performing ‘Alexander O’Neal The Resurrecte­d Tour’ in April. Tickets are available from

What did your parents teach you about money?

TO be responsibl­e and pay your bills. My father worked on a barge on the Mississipp­i River transporti­ng gravel, but he drowned in 1953 when my mother was pregnant. She raised me and my five siblings alone. She was a maid for $8 a day. It was tough for her but she did it. Money was tight. We had everything we needed, but we never had any extras.

What was the first paid work you ever did?

WHEN I was nine years old I would go to work with my mother at the weekends. While she cleaned houses I would cut the grass outside to earn a couple of extra dollars. I enjoyed it because I was with my mom. The people she worked for lived in mansions in the rural South.

I remember clearly turning to my mother once and saying: ‘One day, I am going to buy you a big house and a nice car.’ I saw how hard she worked and I had so much respect for her. All I wanted to do was to please her. Thank God, I was eventually able to buy everything I wanted her to have. She is 86 years old now and she is still ticking along. I make sure she does not want for anything.

Have you ever struggled to make ends meet?

OH yeah, definitely. The worst time was when I was in my early 20s working odd jobs in factories – jobs you do just for the money, not for the love of it. When you are young, it is normal not to have any money. Struggling is just part of life. Sometimes I spent my rent money on clothes and having a good time. In America, if you do not pay your rent on time, you have two months before the landlord can throw you out which I would use to figure out what my next move would be.

Have you ever been paid silly money for a job?

YES, when I played at Wembley Arena in 1989. I earned £130,000 a night for a 90-minute performanc­e – the equivalent of £320,000 a night today.

But that is not a big deal. If I was the same artist but white, without a doubt I would earn way more. If I were a white artist, I would probably be earning £2 million a night.

Why? Because I do not know any black people who own Sony records or Warner Bros. When you take into considerat­ion all the situations like that it is harder to get your music into the mainstream.

In the UK, I play to a predominan­tly white audience. In America, I play to a predominan­tly black audience.

The love that I get here is different. People on this side of the Atlantic are wide open and have supported R&B music for a long time.

What was the best year of your life in terms of the money you made?

IT was 1989 because that was the year I performed at Wembley. I played six nights and made the equivalent of nearly £2 million in today’s money.

What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought for fun?

PROBABLY a beige Mercedes 650 for £35,000 in 1987 which would be like spending £95,000 on a car today. It was fun to drive and fun to pose up against. But it was just an object. Now I feel I have been there, done that.

What is the biggest money mistake you have ever made?

SETTING up an office for my music production business in downtown Minneapoli­s. I spent £14,000 remodellin­g it in 1988 and then never used it because I was on tour all the time. I did not have time.

What is the best money decision you have made?

BUYING my mother a house in Natchez, Mississipp­i, and making sure she had money in the bank. It fulfilled that promise I made to her as a child. It felt really good. In fact, I think it might be my greatest accomplish­ment.

Do you save into a pension or invest in the stock market?

NO. There are no damned pensions in the music industry or at least I have never heard of them. If you make enough money you need to be smart enough to put some away.

Personally, I have not got time to worry about a pension – and anyway I will not stop working until I stop breathing.

Do you own any property?

I DO. I own a three-bedroom home in Mississipp­i with 4.5 acres of land which I bought in 1987. I do not think it has gone up in value much since then but I did not buy it as an investment. I bought it because it is a beautiful property.

I am currently living in Manchester but I only moved there a few months ago so I am renting.

What is the one little luxury you like to treat yourself to?

CLOTHES to wear on stage. I buy something new about three times a year. It makes me feel good when I am performing.

I like grey, black and light blue suits – I go for the conservati­ve banker look. I do not buy designer suits. I will only spend a maximum of £450.

If you were Chancellor of the Exchequer, what is the first thing you would do?

I WOULD try to resolve the homeless situation that I have seen in a lot of major cities in the UK. I would get funding and implement programmes to get people off the streets and give them opportunit­ies to get help and earn money.

That way, I would find out whether they are homeless through choice and laziness or whether they could not help it and were doing their best to survive.

Do you think it is important to give to charity?

IT is extremely important. But it is a personal preference how much you give. Even though I am a star, there are times when I have no money.

What is your number one financial priority?

TO make sure my family is secure and to leave them with some money when I am no longer on this earth.

 ??  ?? HIGH NOTES: Alexander O’Neal earned £130,000 for a 90-minute set
HIGH NOTES: Alexander O’Neal earned £130,000 for a 90-minute set
 ??  ?? PROMISE: The singer bought his mother a home in Natchez, Mississipp­i
PROMISE: The singer bought his mother a home in Natchez, Mississipp­i
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? POINTED: O’Neal, with Katie Price, quit Celebrity Big Brother in 2015
POINTED: O’Neal, with Katie Price, quit Celebrity Big Brother in 2015

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