The Mail on Sunday

Garden Guru


Q Last autumn my sister gave me a cutting. It died off over winter but is now showing green shoots. What it is? Jenny Dean

A The picture you sent me shows Salvia ‘Hot Lips’, a bushy plant with red and white flowers from mid-summer into autumn. It will eventually grow to about 3ft and can remain evergreen over winter, unless cut back by frost – those in very cold spots should protect it with fleece

Q I have three small patio roses in pots. For the past three years the leaves have been eaten, leaving just the stem. What is causing this? Sandra Worland

A The most likely culprit is rose sawfly, a caterpilla­r-like larva. Check plants regularly from spring onwards, looking carefully under foliage, and destroy any eggs or larvae that are present. As you have only three small plants, it should easy enough for you to control by hand. Anyone with an infestatio­n on lots of plants can spray with a suitable pesticide, such as Westland Resolva Bug Killer.

Q Some onion sets have just arrived in the post. I think it is too early to plant them yet, so where should I store them? Eric Roberts

A Onion sets are best planted from mid-March, so it’s still a tad too soon to plant them out. Until then, spread them out on a tray and store in a cool, dry, light place, such as an unheated spare room. Don’t put them in a warm room as that will trigger growth.

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