The Mail on Sunday

No Snooze at Ten for TV anchor Tom

Crippling insomnia keeps news star Bradby off air for a MONTH

- By Charlotte Griffiths and Katie Hind Additional reporting: Robbie Griffiths

HE IS the viewers’ favourite who was been hailed as the saviour of News At Ten.

But anchorman Tom Bradby has been missing from ITV’s flagship bulletin for more than a month without explanatio­n, sparking concern among the four million people who tune in each night.

Now The Mail on Sunday can reveal the reason for his absence: a chronic bout of insomnia.

He has secretly endured weeks of crippling sleeplessn­ess that has

‘Colleagues are worried about his absence’

left him unable to present the demanding live programme, and he may even have to miss the wedding of his friend Prince Harry, where he is expected to be a guest.

Former Royal correspond­ent Bradby, who is paid £ 500,000 a year, has not fronted the bulletin for five weeks, bar one fleeting appearance to announce the birth of Prince Louis.

A source close to the newsman said last night: ‘Tom has been off dealing with insomnia. It looks like he will be off for a further three weeks as it would be silly for him to return before he has recovered properly. He is resting and having some time to recuperate but is looking forward to getting back to work as soon as he is ready.’

An ITN colleague added: ‘Tom has been in and out of the office a few times in the past month or so, but he has kept odd hours and hasn’t been able to go on air. His colleagues have been concerned about his prolonged absence. But everyone is in the dark as the powersthat-be have kept it hush-hush.’

Bradby, 51, who lives in a £1 million house in Hampshire with his jewellery-designer wife Claudia, was last seen in public at a charity lunch in London on March 6, where he looked pale and a little drawn.

Fans have taken to Twitter to enquire about his absence, asking: ‘Where on earth has Tom Bradby gone?’ One user asked him directly: ‘ When are you back on News At 10?’

A friend said that for Bradby to miss the Royal Wedding ‘would mean there’s something seriously wrong. Everyone is hoping to see him there on Saturday.’

Prince Harry, like his brother William, has grown close to Bradby. In 2010, William chose him to conduct his engagement interview and then invited him to the 2011 wedding.

ITN confirmed that Bradby was off sick.

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 ?? ?? MAKING HEADLINES: Tom Bradby on the programme and, right, with his wife Claudia
MAKING HEADLINES: Tom Bradby on the programme and, right, with his wife Claudia

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