The Mail on Sunday

Arsene, my football father, formed me as a man and a player


ROBIN VAN PERSIE was 18 and stuck in Feyenoord’s reserves when Arsene Wenger brought him to Arsenal on the advice of chief scout Steve Rowley. Van Persie, now back at Feyenoord and playing in the Dutch Cup final today, pays tribute to Wenger, rememberin­g the moment when he realised the manager had full confidence in him.

THE place was Cardiff and it had come down to penalties in the 2005 FA Cup final between Arsenal and Manchester United. After 120 minutes it was still 0-0. Arsene had his list of penalty takers and we had all gathered around him. Edu, our Brazilian midfielder, had to take the third but pulled out. He was going to leave that summer and he did not want to risk that his last ball for Arsenal was going to be a miss and costs the club the chance of winning another trophy.

Arsene looked around and said: ‘Well, who wants to take a penalty?’ So I enthusiast­ically said: ‘Yes, I will!’

I had sounded full of confidence and Arsene put my name on his list. But I had only just arrived among the big boys like Vieira, Pires and Bergkamp.

And as soon as I said, ‘Yes, I will,’ the size of the task dawned on me. A packed stadium, millions watching on TV all over the world, United the opponents. When I walked to the penalty spot it went wrong already. I wanted to casually flip the ball up, but it failed.

I said to myself: ‘Get a grip, Robin!’ But the opposite happened. It all went black in front of my eyes. I literally could not even see the goal. I put the ball down and was only thinking one thing: ‘I have to hit it hard, that is if I can manage to hit it! And hope it will end up in the net.’ It went like a rocket in the top corner and some fans may have thought that was a cracking penalty. But I think all my team-mates and the boss knew that the stress had taken over.

Vieira scored the fifth penalty and that was his last touch for Arsenal, as he left that summer too, and we won 5-4 on penalties.

When I first met Arsene, he said: ‘I will give you all the opportunit­y here.’ Arsene came across as a father and as a very intelligen­t man. At most Premier League clubs there is no time. Managers want players who are ready.

He had this plan for the next so many seasons. And the most special thing was that he made it all happen! He always had patience and trust in his players. And he certainly did with me. He made me learn from my mistakes. He would talk to me for hours. And step by step he helped me improve. When I say that he is my football father, I am not exaggerati­ng. He has formed me as a man and as a player.

People forget where Arsenal was before he came. Fans in England would call them ‘boring Arsenal’. Arsene has not only brought success to the club, he also made the team play fantastic football. He has changed the entire culture of the club.

After I left, we kept in touch and there was mutual respect. Leaving this manager was tough, really tough. It was tough for both of us. I think he saw me as one of his football sons. We never had a single row in all those years.

I treasure our friendship, which we still have today. Today, I would thank him for all the confidence he showed in me and say: ‘You are a very special man and a top coach! Definitely one of the very best ever! I will always see you as my footballin­g father where under your guidance I had the chance to grow as a man and a player. I’m forever thankful for that.

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 ?? ?? CONFIDENCE BOOSTER: Robin van Persie with Arsene Wenger
CONFIDENCE BOOSTER: Robin van Persie with Arsene Wenger

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