The Mail on Sunday

Impotent men f ind new hope . . . in an oxygen chamber


IMPOTENT men could improve their condition by having regular sessions in an oxygen chamber. New research shows that inhaling 100 per cent oxygen in a pressured environmen­t – a process known as hyperbaric therapy – doubles the incidences of sustained erections in those with longstandi­ng erectile dysfunctio­n.

In a study, 30 men had daily, 90-minute hyperbaric therapy sessions over a course of two months – and 63 per cent were classed as having ‘mild to no’ dysfunctio­n two weeks after the end of treatment.

Notably, the treatment proved successful in men who had experience­d no success with drug treatments such as Viagra.

Oxygen-based therapy works by providing a blast of pure oxygen to tissue. This triggers the release of healing stem cells and the growth of new blood vessels.

It is thought that in impotent men this process, known as angiogenes­is, increases the blood flow to the penis so improving sexual function.

Researcher­s at Tel Aviv university in Israel recorded the sexual function of participan­ts via both questionna­ires and MRI scans of seven of the men’s genitals. All seven scans showed a significan­t increase of blood flow during and shortly after the treatment.

Erectile dysfunctio­n is estimated to effect one in five British men and almost two thirds of men over the age of 45. With age, arteries narrow, compromisi­ng blood flow around the body.

Although stress, excessive alcohol intake and other psychologi­cal factors can also be involved, the main physical cause is vascular problems such as high blood pressure or high cholestero­l.

Lifestyle changes such as losing weight, giving up smoking and reducing alcohol are often prescribed as treatment, as well as drugs Viagra, Tadalafil and Avanafil.

But hyperbaric treatment could provide a long-term solution, injecting spontaneit­y back into intimate relationsh­ips.

Professor Raj Persad, consultant urologist with Bristol Urology Associates, said: ‘Good erectile function depends on good blood supply and good tissue oxygen exchange. But there would also seem to be activation of new blood vessels enhancing oxygen supply created by hyperbaric oxygen itself.

‘This finding is worthy of further investigat­ion in randomised trials against other agents such as Viagra.’

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