The Mail on Sunday

The middle-aged British artist who insists: I am Escobar’s love child


A PUBLIC schooleduc­ated Briton believes he is a secret love-child of Pablo Escobar.

Phillip Witcomb, 53, claims he was born Roberto Sendoya Escobar – when his father was just 16.

Mr Witcomb was adopted as a baby by a British couple from an orphanage in the Colombian capital Bogota. Now an artist based in Majorca, he is planning to write a book about his life, which he hopes will serve as a prequel to Narcos, the Netflix series that chronicles Escobar’s remarkable rise and fall.

He claims that his adoptive father told him the identity of his real father when he was in his 20s. ‘In reality, I hadn’t really heard of Pablo Escobar so wasn’t really aware of what he’d done,’ he told The Mail on Sunday.

‘But when dad told me about everything, I honestly couldn’t believe it. It all came as a complete shock and made me rethink my life.’

Mr Witcomb, who attended Lucton School in Herefordsh­ire, claims his adoptive parents hired a private security team when he was a child because members of the Escobar family made several attempts to kidnap him.

While he does not have a birth certificat­e naming Escobar as his father, a baptism certificat­e says Artist Phillip Witcomb Mr Witcomb was born to a Maria Lucia Sendoya and a Pablo Escobar, and he spent time in an Catholic Church orphanage before he was adopted aged four months.

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