The Mail on Sunday

Mims is on to a winner


WHEN Sports Minister Tracey Crouch walked out in a row over ‘crack cocaine’ fixed-odds betting terminals, the Government lost one of its most vocal anti-gambling campaigner­s. Her lucky replacemen­t Mims Davies is less shy of a flutter – she cleared off her student debts with a bingo win. Eyes down!

NOT taking their seats doesn’t usually stop Sinn Fein MPs from using Commons facilities but the ‘Shinners’ have ditched plans for a Westminste­r party on December 11 as it clashed with the Brexit vote. ‘Pity,’ sighs a Tory whip. ‘They can’t vote but at least after a few Guinnesses, they’d have p****d off the DUP.’

EX-TORY Minister Mark Garnier’s infamous decision to send his secretary to Soho to buy him sex toys is the joke that keeps on giving. Addressing children’s toy manufactur­ers on the Commons’ Terrace, Labour MP Neil Coyle quipped: ‘I hope no one attending today has got the wrong end of the stick about the nature of the toys we are talking about.’

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