The Mail on Sunday

The primetime BBC ‘comedy’ that’s like a party political broadcast for Jeremy Corbyn

These days you’re not allowed to laugh at much – but you can mock Tories. She loves a joke, but CHARLOTTE GILL is appalled by...


IS THERE anything l ess funny than BBC comedy? It pledges to be ‘inclusive’ and it promises to ‘ reflect a range of views’.

Yet t he humour could hardly be more biased if it tried – as Andrew Neil, one of its own political presenters, put it recently: ‘ When it comes to socalled comedy, the BBC has long given up on balance.’ He wrote: ‘Nobody seems to care.’

Well, I care and, having spent the last month tuning in both to its radio and television output, I can confirm he is right. Far from reflecting a range of views, the Corporatio­n’s Tory-bashing satire is one-eyed from start to finish. The situation is excruciati­ng, in fact – bad for listeners and bad for licence payers, who are forced to pay for puerile Left-wing propaganda that masquerade­s as humour.

And nothing in the schedules sums this up quite so much as The Mash Report, which goes out on BBC2 on Friday night at 10pm.

A spin-off from the satirical website The Daily Mash, it features comedians Nish Kumar and Rachel Parris and describes itself as a ‘surreal news show’.

In reality, it is more like a broadcast for Momentum, the pro-Corbyn campaign group – complete with metropolit­an group think, endless virtue signalling and rooted hatred of Conservati­ves.

Take the jaw-dropping episode broadcast on December 7, in which a ‘news presenter’ is shown quizzing a fake ‘professor’ as follows:

News presenter: ‘This week the government was found to be in contempt of Parliament but is there anyone the Conservati­ves don’t have contempt for? With me to discuss the i ssue i s Professor Henry Brubaker of the Institute of Studies. Professor, is there anyone they do like?’

Professor Brubaker: ‘ Well the Government of course has contempt for Labour, liberals, lefties, commuters, people with disabiliti­es, people without disabiliti­es, working people, people people, the Scots, the police, doctors and nurses, but also single mums, married mums, traffic wardens, poor children, dogs, cats, academics, cheesemong­ers, soldiers, businessme­n, farmers, vegans, carnivores and people who collect ceramic owls. So, in a nutshell, no.’

News presenter: ‘They have contempt for everyone?’

Professor Brubaker: ‘They do quite like accountant­s and rent boys.’

Such crude denigratio­n is not merely inappropri­ate, it would be disgracefu­l when directed at any political party. But fortunatel­y for Left-wing and liberal politician­s, the BBC spares them such insults and prefers to concentrat­e on Tories.

In that same edition of The Mash Report, Rachel Parris tore into Conservati­ve MPs after they had been photograph­ed buying grocer- ies to give to food banks. ‘Dominic Raab, whose look could best be described as Terminator meets Young Farmers Club was… tweeting support for food banks this weekend, despite his voting record directly contributi­ng to the need for food banks,’ she quipped.

Next, she mocked Jacob ReesMogg – who, as it happens, has praised food banks – joking that his ‘middle name is Compassion. Jacob William Compassion Caecilius Alfred F*** the Poor Frankincen­se Rees-Mogg III’.

On and on she went, attacking the introducti­on of the Universal Credit scheme for benefits, and bringing up the fact that ‘rough sleeping has increased 169 per cent since 2020’. In one notably solemn section, Ms Parris abandoned all pretence at humour, saying: ‘A BBC report has shown that extreme child poverty is worsening across the UK with some children coming to school hungry and actually filling their pockets with school food.

‘ One head teacher said pupils had “poor teeth, poor hair and were thinner”.

Gosh, that is a tricky one to spin for the Tories, isn’t it? Perhaps these children are members of a cool new club called Grumble Tummies or Hungry Hippos.

‘No, I’ve got absolutely nothing there. Hard not to feel anything other than fury and terrible, terrible sadness.’

It’s difficult to believe this show is advertised as funny.

Earlier episodes have been little better. In episode 5, broadcast on November 30, one of Kumar’s cohosts attacked Theresa May’s earlier decision to appear in a televised debate about leaving the EU, suggesting she would ‘repeat the same six empty phrases while looking visibly terrified’. Never mind that May has shown personal bravery throughout one of the toughest phases of recent political history.

And his humorous comments about Jeremy Corbyn, who is hardly known for his polished

performanc­es on TV? Well, there weren’t any on that occasion, and I heard precious few in this or any other BBC comedy programme.

Two weeks earlier, Kumar pointed out the Spice Girls were reforming, but he couldn’t even do that without making a political comment.

‘I’m assuming they’re calling it the Brexit Tour,’ he said, ‘because it relies on nostalgia, assumes that minority is scary, and when it comes down to it, the posh one is nowhere to be seen.’ He addressed the news that UN Special Rapporteur Philip Alston had said that Government Ministers are in a ‘state of denial’ about poverty in Britain.

Kumar agreed with Mr Alston, of course, and took the opportunit­y to stage an epic rant about poverty statistics: ‘We are the sixth largest economy in the world, and yet The [ Joseph] Rowntree Foundation found that, in 2015-16, 20 per cent of the UK population were living in poverty, and that is ridiculous.’

I t sounded more l i ke GCSE coursework than entertainm­ent.

Later on he laid into the Chancell or, beginning: ‘ In l ast week’s Budget, Philip Hammond announced the end of austerity. But that doesn’t mean anything without substantiv­e policy change.’

Kumar’s lecture on public finances then descended to toilet humour: ‘If Hogwarts was a British school in 2018, they’d be operating a policy of one wand per class, and they’d have had to flog the golden snitch so kids could wipe their a****.’ There was no stopping him. ‘Look, after the crash in 2008 the economy was in t rouble, and George Osborne combated that by cutting state spending to the bone, and lowering taxes for the highest earners and for corporatio­ns, passing the burden for paying off the recession to the poorest people,’ he continued. ‘How do you interpret that as anything other than political choice masqueradi­ng as economic necessity?’

Pointing at a photograph of former Chancellor Osborne, he said: ‘This is George. He systematic­ally made life harder for millions of people for a decade. And if he’d given just two s**** a month, then things wouldn’t have to be this way.’ Boom boom.

Even the most ordinary members of the British public take a beating from time to time – for no good reason. There was a sketch, for example, about people who dare to enjoy Christmas-themed adverts.

One actor pretended to be a Northerner called Donna Sheridan, and another a man called Wayne Haye, both of whom were portrayed as stupid and ugly. Presumably these are the sort of people The Mash Report writers assume might vote for Brexit.

It is all the more ironic, because comedians are generally cautious in today’s PC climate. Wary of offending the right-on consensus, they avoid ageism, classism, sexism and every other kind of ‘ism’.

The sole exception is the sin of Conservati­sm, as the past few weeks immersed in BBC ‘comedy’ have shown me. So, if The Mash Report is the most egregious example of Left-wing bias, it is by no means alone. Tory-bashing infects the output as a whole, particular­ly when it comes to Brexit.

In one recent episode of Radio 4’s The Now Show, its presenter, Hugh Dennis, attacked Brexit by reading out a series of headlines from European papers. He said: ‘ With the British press possibly being overdramat­ic, maybe it would be better to look abroad for a more reasoned, overall perspectiv­e. So we could try Der Spiegel – “Brits staring into the Brexit abyss” – or The Irish Times – “Idiots and incompeten­ts are in charge in the UK” ’, before concluding: ‘So, it seems pretty clear, whatever it is we’re doing the rest of the world doesn’t understand it.’

Even BBC2’s Live At The Apollo featured obvious Left-wing – and utterly tasteless – bias. Comedian Ellie Taylor, who is pregnant, told the audience that: ‘I’m still not feeling very maternal. I’m just not really programmed to coo at babies. Like, if I see a baby, I don’t feel anything. It’s like Theresa May walking past a homeless person.’

The BBC knows it has a problem. Comedy controller Shane Allen has suggested there is too much Oxbridge influence on the output. The script editor of Radio 4’s Dead Ringers has gone so far as to admit the show’s anti-Brexit bias is the product of ‘London-centred’ writers.

I’m all in favour of the BBC pursuing diversity, but surely that should go beyond skin colour and gender. What about diversity in points of view? I know it’s not easy to fix the imbalance on the airwaves. A Conservati­ve Government is in power and should rightly be scrutinise­d. But I’m not alone in believing something must be done. The Corporatio­n’s vast budget comes with a duty of impartiali­ty. And a good deal of the anti-Conservati­ve propaganda on the airwaves is not merely improper, but downright offensive.

The BBC comedy schedules are no laughing matter.

This anti-Tory propaganda isn’t just improper … it’s offensive

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