The Mail on Sunday

The girl whose terrible death in the desert is convulsing Trump’s US

Wave of outrage after the President orders agents to empty water bottles left for migrants in scorching heat

- From Caroline Graham IN LOS ANGELES

THE death of a seven- year- old migrant girl is threatenin­g to derail Donald Trump’s presidency.

Jakelin Caal Maquin died shortly after entering the US illegally with her 29- year- old father Nery on December 6, but news of her death only emerged late last week.

It caused a wave of revulsion across America when it was claimed that she had been refused critical medical treatment.

Despite the girl’s father begging border patrol agents for help, she died of dehydratio­n less than 24 hours after being picked up in the New Mexico desert.

Her death was met with outrage after it emerged Trump – who has made illegal immigratio­n a centrepiec­e of his presidency – ordered agents to empty scores of plastic containers filled with water left by well-wishers to help migrants cope with the scorching desert heat.

Jakelin, from Guatemala, was arrested along with her father and 163 other asylum seekers.

She started vomiting and having seizures after being taken into custody but, her father claims, his cries for help were ignored for an hour and a half.

When an ambulance was finally called, Jakelin’s temperatur­e was 105.9F (41C) and she had stopped breathing. Medics managed to restart her heart twice and she was airlifted to a nearby children’s hospital in El Paso where she died.

Her cause of death was septic shock, fever and dehydratio­n.

Her father later told authoritie­s she had not eaten or had any water ‘for several days’. Last night, the girl’s grandfathe­r Domingo Caal said Jakelin’s father left behind his wife and three other children because of ‘extreme poverty’ and hoped to seek asylum in the US before applying to bring the rest of his family over.

Domingo said: ‘ It really hurts. Honestly, it’s hard to take in.’

Democrats zeroed in on Jakelin’s death, which they argue is a conse- quence of the administra­tion’s focus on building President Trump’s proposed border wall.

‘I am devastated by this news, but I am hardly surprised. The administra­tion has repeatedly shown a disinteres­t in solving immigratio­n issues – instead leveraging Central America’s refugee crisis for their own political gain,’ said California Congressma­n Lou Correa.

Democrat senator Chuck Schumer tweeted: ‘ A seven- year- old girl should not be dying of dehydratio­n and shock in Customs and Border Protection custody,’ adding that Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen ‘ must be held accountabl­e’ for the girl’s death.

Democrat congresswo­man Nancy Pelosi pledged: ‘We have a moral responsibi­lity to ensure all children are treated with decency and compassion. The new Congress will investigat­e this horrific tragedy to ensure the safety and security of every child.’

Last Thursday, a statement from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appeared to place the blame for her death on her father: ‘Travelling north through Mexico illegally in an attempt to reach the United States is extremely dangerous. Once again we are begging parents not to put themselves or their children at risk attempting to enter illegally.’

The American Civil Liberties Union condemned the statement, saying ‘This is a horrific, indefensib­le tragedy. What’s worse is that it is far from the first death at the hands of the DHS. If this isn’t the America we want to be, now is the time to be loud about it.’

A delegation of Hispanic congressme­n and women will travel to New Mexico this week to call for an official inquiry into Jakelin’s death.

Thousands took to social media to protest, urging others to post Jakelin’s photograph and #Rememberhe­rname began trending with many describing the death as ‘murder’.

Trump’s immigratio­n policy has become a flashpoint for his presidency. He has deployed an extra 5,000 troops to the border to stop a 6,000- strong migrant caravan crossing into America.

Last week he threatened to shut down the US Government unless his demand for $5 billion (£4 billion) to build a wall across the US southern border is met.

 ??  ?? ‘HORRIFIC TRAGEDY’: Seven-year-old Jakelin had not had water ‘for days’
‘HORRIFIC TRAGEDY’: Seven-year-old Jakelin had not had water ‘for days’
 ??  ?? FORBIDDING: A border point near where Jakelin and her father were found
FORBIDDING: A border point near where Jakelin and her father were found

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