The Mail on Sunday

Who’ll save us from Corbyn’s envy and spite?


Reading about Jeremy Corbyn’s personal life in your serialisat­ion of Tom Bower’s book was shocking enough. But what I find truly alarming is what the extracts revealed about his Marxist political doctrine of envy and spite.

It seems he believes the state always knows best and that personal freedom and responsibi­lity are weaknesses. Like individual aspiration and ambition, he believes they must be stamped out.

Corbyn thinks wealth should be redistribu­ted before it has been created, and that the state theft of people’s income through punitive taxation and unlimited borrowing is justified in achieving it.

And most alarming of all, it appears that he allows internet abuse of critics in his pursuit of power. God help us all if we ever allow this to happen to our fragile constituti­onal democracy.

Roy Daniels, Luton I have voted Labour for most of my life but I stopped when Corbyn was elected leader. I knew of his past record with his party, which you could describe as very unhelpful at best and toxic at worst.

The people who put him forward for his job must be a strange bunch, knowing his past record and Marxist agenda. I would not trust this man and his Trotskyite minder John McDonnell one bit. Corbyn’s stance on Brexit has been shameful, as has that of many of those sitting on the Commons benches behind him.

I would like to take this opportunit­y to plead with the Prime Minister to do everything she can to make sure Corbyn does not walk through the door of No 10.

To help stop this, the Government should scrap HS2 and internatio­nal developmen­t funding, and put the money into social care, the NHS, the police and the horrific state of the railways. Then the country might avert a nightmare scenario of Corbyn turning our country into another failed communist state.

Douglas Smith, Warrington According to those quoted in Tom Bower’s book, Corbyn is unfit for office. Perhaps I’m being naive here, but is he any worse than the bunch we’ve got at the moment?

B. Mills, West Sussex Jeremy Corbyn is no more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing and he is pulling the wool over the eyes of the younger generation of Labour voters.

The Tories must unite to stop him entering No 10. Ministers must end their sniping, support the Prime Minister and her Brexit plan, and do all they can to get the best possible deal. David Courtney, Weston-super-Mare We’re always told that blood is thicker than water. Reading about his dismal A-level results and alleged absence of books in his life, it seems that Jeremy Corbyn might well be, too. Vincent Hefter, Richmond

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