The Mail on Sunday

Black Widow wins £65k over ‘murder’

- By James Gillespie

A UKRAINIAN model dubbed the ‘Black Widow’ after she was accused of arranging the murder of her British millionair­e husband has won £65,000 from the coroner’s office and the dead man’s family.

Ganna Ziuzina – now known as Julianne Moore – was accused at an inquest in 2017 of being behind the hit-and-run killing of businessma­n Barry Pring, 47, on the outskirts of Kiev in 2008.

A verdict of unlawful killing was later quashed when coroner Elizabeth Earland admitted allowing ‘hearsay evidence’ and not giving Ms Ziuzina adequate opportunit­y to attend the hearing. A new inquest is scheduled for July 29.

Now Ms Ziuzina, who lives in Marbella, Spain, with her British partner Ivan Lister, has been awarded almost a third of her costs, estimated to be about £200,000.

A friend told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Ganna feels very strongly she has been the victim of a miscarriag­e of justice – the first inquest was grossly unfair but the coroner, Mrs Earland, was allowed to quietly retire afterwards. Ganna was accused of being a murderer without any evidence and there were huge stories in the papers about her, but when the inquest was quashed and Mrs Ear land retired, no one said anything. She f eels that these awards towards her legal costs are a first step in vindicatin­g her.’

Ms Ziuzina met Mr Pring online early in 2006 and they married in Kiev, the Ukraine capital, in January 2007. They had been celebratin­g their first anniversar­y at a restaurant outside t he city when the businessma­n met his death. The couple were trying to hail a taxi by the roadside when Ms Ziuzina returned to the restaurant to find a missing glove. It was at that moment t hat Mr Pring was struck by a vehicle t hat has never been traced. Mr Pring’s family accused Ms Ziuzina of i nvolvement i n his death at the subsequent inquest before the Exeter coroner. The unlawful killing verdict caused a sensation but the model took immediate legal action. When the verdict was quashed at the High Court eight weeks l ater, Ms Ziuzina claimed costs and received £40,000 from the coroner’s office.

In the latest ruling two weeks ago, Shaughan Pring, the businessma­n’s brother, and mother Irene Pring, as executors of his estate, were ordered to pay £25,000 to Ms Ziuzina. She refused to comment.

 ?? ?? ACCUSED: Ganna Ziuzina
ACCUSED: Ganna Ziuzina

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