The Mail on Sunday

There in black and white: the proof this 3D zebra crossing has made roads safer

- By Valerie Elliott

IT’S A sight to bring any motorist screeching to a halt – concrete slabs lying in the road.

But this is nothing more than an optical illusion – a pioneering 3D-effect zebra crossing that may soon be seen across the country following a successful trial in London.

The prototype above was installed in wealthy St John’s Wood High Street eight weeks ago at a cost of £3,000, and Westminste­r Council say it has proved a success, slowing motorists to a crawl.

Local councillor Tim Mitchell said: ‘We are delighted it appears to be working so well. Drivers are more cautious and feedback from locals has been positive. It’s really encouragin­g.’

The results echo another pilot scheme in New Delhi, India, where the 3D crossings led to average speeds dropping from 31mph to 19mph. Now councils across the UK are planning similar crossings.

The test site – close to the crossing made famous on the cover of the Beatles’ Abbey Road album – was chosen after parents expressed concern about the speed of traffic near their children’s primary school.

A council spokesman said: ‘The location was not an accident blackspot but there were reports of children, elderly people and mums with pushchairs having difficulty crossing the road.’

AA president Edmund King offered a cautious welcome, saying: ‘Once the novelty has worn off, will drivers continue to slow down? It should have a full evaluation. But if it’s successful, it could become as popular as Abbey Road.’

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