The Mail on Sunday

Wind power will leave us in the dark


THE absurd attempt to minimize the Great Power Cut of August 9 continues, because the truth undermines the Green Dogma swallowed whole by our Government and most media. We are seriously supposed to believe it was caused by lightning, which strikes power cables all the time.

My own research suggest it has more to do with the self-harming policy of scrapping reliable, heavy-duty coal and gas generators. These provide a stabilisin­g force known as ‘inertia’ and can sustain power even if the system comes under stress.

Wind power, unreliable at all times, lacks this inertia. So does the power we suck into Britain through undersea cables from nuclear France, nuclear Belgium and the largely fossil-fuel-powered Netherland­s. The Dutch may soon be a less reliable source of power as they have adopted the same mad anti-coal policies we follow.

The first official report from National Grid ESO admits this: ‘Wind generation, solar and interconne­ctors are different to the convention­al electricit­y generation sources, in that they do not provide much inertia. Today, we operate the system with lower levels of inertia than we have in the past.’

How very true. There has been a frantic campaign to destroy coal-fired generation, with perfectly sound stations closed down and irrevocabl­y blown up (why not at least mothball them?).

But what for? On its own terms, the policy is futile. China’s existing coal-burning generation stations have a capacity of 993 gigawatts (GW) of power. Plans are well under way to increase this by 259GW – a total of 1,252GW. India, rapidly expanding, is also increasing coal generation and last March reached 200GW.

The UK’s anti-coal purge will eventually total about 40GW – tiny by comparison with China’s expansion. If the warmists are right about the cause of climate change, we could close every coal and gas station and it would make no difference to the impact of Chinese and Indian coal-burning. We would just spend longer in the dark.

We are like a thirsty man refusing to take a drink from the tap, because of a water shortage, while his local water company leaves hundreds of leaks unrepaired, allowing thousands of gallons to drain away each hour. It is a futile, self-harming gesture. Is there anyone in our political system prepared to end it? Or must we get used to power cuts?

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