The Mail on Sunday

Your pills’ nasty side effects? They’re not as rare as you think

‘Menopause’ from thyroid drugs. Hair loss from statins. Even torn tendons from antibiotic­s ...

- By Pat Hagan

EVERYONE knows medicines can have side effects. But do you know the possible downsides of the pills you take regularly? One Briton in five over the age of 65 takes at least seven different medication­s, a report revealed last week. And a startling 86 per cent of this age group take at least one prescripti­on medication. Today, informatio­n leaflets inside boxes of tablets list just about every possible negative effect they can have. But studies show that fewer than half of patients read them.

It’s no surprise, then, that side effects often go unreported – because patients have no idea that symptoms are connected to their pills.

They may even affect a part of the body totally unrelated to the area the drug is targeting. So, could your scratchy throat or angry rash be explained by the everyday pills in your medicine cabinet?

Here are some of the most common ways drugs can affect the body – and what you can do to avoid them.

IT CAUSED David Beckham to miss the World Cup in 2010 and it’s an injury that plagues footballer­s.

A r uptured Achilles t endon occurs when the tendon, at the back of the ankle, suddenly breaks. And for some, this can happen as a result of taking antibiotic­s.

Drugs known as quinolones and fluoroquin­olones are often used to battle urinary tract infections. A fluoroquin­olone called ciprofloxa­cin is one of the most commonly prescribed of these drugs.

Even taking it for a few days can trigger severe side effects in a minority of people – the most unexpected being a sudden rupture of the Achilles. Joint paint and loss of memory are also reported.

The drugs are said to provoke a reaction in tendon cells, leading to the production of enzymes that wear away the tendon, causing it to break down prematurel­y.

‘If you suspect an adverse reaction, your GP can prescribe an alternativ­e antibiotic,’ says Professor Mark Fielder, an expert in medical microbiolo­gy at Kingston University in Surrey.

‘But unless you feel your reaction is severe, do not stop taking the drugs as your infection could get worse again, and become harder to treat.’ ON STATINS? WATCH OUT FOR HAIR LOSS AN ESTIMATED eight million Britons take statins to lower their cholestero­l and reduce the risk of heart attack. The drugs have a good safety record but can cause muscle pain in a minority of patients.

A less well-known problem is hair loss, thought to affect one in 1,000 patients – both men and women.

It’s not clear exactly why statins have this effect. One theory is hair needs a certain amount of cholestero­l to grow and remain healthy.

Dr Paul Silverton, former consultant cardiologi­st at Leeds General Infirmary, says it may be possible to switch to another type of statin.

Rosuvastat­in, a new statin, is one of the few that does not list hair loss as a side effect. But Dr Silverton says: ‘It is much more expensive, so unless your hair is coming out in handfuls, your GP may be reluctant to prescribe it.’ ‘MENOPAUSAL’ THYROID DRUGS A DRUG called l evothyroxi­ne i s one of t he most commonly prescribed medication­s, with roughly 30 million orders for it every year. It replaces the hormone thyroxine that a healthy thyroid gland would normally produce.

But side effects can make some women feel almost menopausal, says Sid Dajani, a community pharmacist in Andover, Hampshire. They include hot flushes, sweating, restlessne­ss, weight loss and muscle cramps.

A possible reason for side effects is to do with dosage – slightly too much can cause hormones to go haywire. ‘Ask your GP to try a different dose,’ says Mr Dajani. LAUNCHED in the late 1980s, Prozac, also known as fluoxetine, is the best-known anti-depressant in the world.

It belongs to a group of antidepres­sants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, and last year, more than 70 million prescripti­ons for them were issued. There is one unusual side effect that can blight the lives of those on the drug – spells of excessive yawning. Some patients have ten to 20 spells per day, lasting up to half an hour, during which they yawn as many as 50 times.

Research suggests that this side effect occurs in roughly one in 50 patients. The drug boosts mood by increasing the amount of the feelgood hormone serotonin circulatin­g in the brain – but serotonin also stimulates yawning.

Dr Cosmo Hallstrom, a psychiatri­st and member of the Royal College of Psychiatri­sts, says that most SSRIs have been l i nked with increased yawning, but fluoxetine is the

worst. He says: ‘ If the yawning side effect is outweighin­g the benefits, then your GP may reduce the dose or switch to another drug.’


MOST of Britain’s five million asthma sufferers will carry a blue inhaler to ease breathing and prevent oncoming attacks. The active ingredient is salbutamol, and it works by relaxing airway muscles, making it easier to breathe.

But at least one in 100 patients find taking just one or two puffs triggers painful muscle cramps.

The drug can trigger a temporary drop in levels of potassium in the blood. If muscles don’t have a constant and even supply of potassium – as well as other minerals such as sodium and calcium – they can’t contract normally, so go into spasm.

‘These cramps are usually felt in the legs and feet,’ says Dr Richard DR Russell from the British Lung Foundation. ‘But they often only occur in those taking very large doses of salbutamol or similar drugs and the effects normally wear off after about 30 minutes.’

Dr Russell’s advice is to try to stick to the drug, as it is very effective for keeping wheezing under control. However, if cramps become unbearable, there are alternativ­e drugs called anti-cholinergi­cs, which have less problemati­c side effects, such as a dry mouth.


THE anti-impotence drug Viagra, which is taken by three million men every year, became famous for its unintended side effects on men’s love lives – as it was originally developed to combat high blood pressure.

However, a bout o ne in 100 patients find their libido dampened slightly by another Viagra side effect: a blocked nose.

As blood vessels in the groin dilate, boosting blood flow, the same thing happens in the thousands of tiny blood vessels lining the nasal passages.

As these expand, they reduce the volume of the nasal cavity, compressin­g the space through which air can pass and causing the feeling of a stuffed nose.

‘ All erectile- dysfunctio­n drugs have this side effect,’ explains Dr Geoff Hackett, chairman of t he British Society of Sexual Medicine. ‘But Viagra, also known as sildenafil, is the worst because it is fast-acting.’

He adds :‘ Other drugs, like Cialis, also called tadalafil, are designed to have a slower onset so nasal congestion is less noticeable.’


ONE of the first drugs GPs normally turn to when they diagnose a patient with type 2 diabetes is metformin, a daily tablet that reduces blood-sugar levels by improving the body’s response to insulin.

Twenty million prescripti­ons are written every year in the UK – but many patients say that metformin wrecks their taste buds and complain of a powerful metallic taste.

It’s thought metformin lingers in saliva, affecting taste for many hours after it has been taken. Mr Dajani says: ‘Unless it’s causing major problems, most GPs would be reluctant to take patients off it.’

Other diabetes drugs may not affect taste as much, including newer prescripti­on medicines such as canagliflo­zin, dapagliflo­zin and empagliflo­zin.


PATIENTS who suspect they have suffered an adverse reaction to a medicine can report it online to the Government’s Yellow Card scheme which collates data on side effects. Go to

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