The Mail on Sunday

Tory saboteurs are doing great harm to the UK


Your headline last week ‘Boris savages the saboteurs’ illustrate­d the political cancer destroying our democratic country. For months now, certain MPs have, with no sign of shame, been putting their own prejudices and self-interests ahead of the democratic decision of the British people to leave the EU. They have not only sabotaged this decision at every opportunit­y possible, they have also caused possibly irreparabl­e damage to the British economy and our national security.

Ian McNicholas, Ebbw Vale

Of the 17 undemocrat­ic Tories named in The Mail on Sunday who say they would vote against our PM in a no confidence vote, 11 come from constituen­cies that voted Leave. That says it all about our politician­s today. They have even forgotten that the PM was voted as the new party leader by a democratic process on a manifesto that said he’d take us out of the EU with or without a deal – exactly as the democratic referendum voted. No ifs or buts, just leave.

David Beck, Waterloovi­lle, Hampshire

One Tory MP has declared forcibly: ‘There is no mandate, and never has been a mandate for a No Deal Brexit.’ The latest opinion polls showed just 34 per cent of voters want an October No Deal.

Yet Boris Johnson still thinks No Deal is a good idea, although he has failed to convince his siblings. His sister Rachel was an anti-Brexit candidate in the Euro elections. His brother Jo has warned No Deal would ‘inflict untold damage on our nation’. There was no mention of a No Deal scenario in the 2016 referendum; there is no mandate for such a strategy.

Andrew Milroy, Trowbridge, Wiltshire

A few weeks ago I received an email from my broadband supplier offering a free upgrade. When I found they required a £10 delivery charge for the hub, I argued this was misleading but to no avail. So I declined (no deal).

Three weeks later, another email offering the same deal came, with free delivery, which I accepted (deal). The principle behind my actions may take quite a lot of explaining to some of our MPs. Boris has made a good start; those who wish to take away one of his ace cards need to be re-educated as to how the real world works.

Mick Downes, Shropshire

Perhaps No 10’s fear of Ministers appearing on Radio 4’s Today is because their position on a No Deal Brexit will be shown up as vapid and dangerous nonsense.

Dennis Bruce, Bishopbrig­gs, Glasgow

There are so many traitors within our political elite that the EU has a distinct advantage in negotiatio­ns. The next Election will see the traitors removed.

Mick Ferrie, Mawnan Smith, Cornwall

Your opinion column last week said it was vital ‘for MPs to stand firm behind our PM’. Of course it is. How else could they stab him in the back?

Vincent Hefter, Richmond-upon-Thames

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