The Mail on Sunday


WIN £1,500


There’s an amazing £1,500 prize for the first correct solution drawn at random in our general knowledge Prize Crossword. Entries must arrive by Friday, August 30 (photocopie­s not accepted). Today’s solution will appear next week and the winner’s name on Sunday, September 15. SEE BELOW THE GRID for details on how to enter.

ACROSS 1 Place used to conceal a person, especially an outlaw (7) 5 The 39th President of the United States (5,6) 10 Sport in which missiles are thrown at a circular target (5) 11 Systematic plans for courses of action (7) 13 – – – Redgrave, late English actor, brother of actresses Lynn and Vanessa (5) 14 Burrowing mammal with a covering of leathery plates over most of its body (9) 15 An exercise machine that consists of a continuous moving belt (9) 16 Steffi – – –, German tennis player who won seven Wimbledon singles titles (4) 17 1989 short film introducin­g Nick Park’s Wallace and Gromit (1,5,3,3) 20 In Greek mythology, the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera (4) 21 A formal declaratio­n in a court of law that someone who has been accused of a crime is innocent (9) 22 Toothed device used for tidying hair (4) 26 An inscribed stone slab discovered by members of Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt in 1799 (7,5) 27 The act of imposing and collecting a tax or tariff (4) 29 Black – – –, Palestinia­n militant group responsibl­e for assassinat­ing Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics (9) 31 Sir Andrew – – –, comic character in Shakespear­e’s Twelfth Night (9) 33 To affect or be affected by pollution or contaminat­ion (5) 34 – – – memory, the ability to recall visual informatio­n from brief memories (7) 35 A dome-shaped house built of blocks of solid snow (5) 36 Pretentiou­s, showy or vulgar display (11) 37 Ralph Waldo – – –, American poet and essayist who set out his transcende­ntalist philosophy in the 1936 essay Nature (7)

DOWN 1 Shrub cultivated for its large clusters of white, pink or blue flowers (9) 2 A variety of wheat often used to make pasta (5) 3 A dark, volcanic glass formed by the rapid cooling of lava (8) 4 A vigorous fight, scuffle or struggle (6) 5 Founder of the royal House of Lancaster who was the son of Edward III and father of Henry IV (4,2,5) 6 David – – –, American playwright and film director whose works include 1988’s Speed-The-Plow (5) 7 A minute marine invertebra­te such as the sea squirt (8) 8 The set of special words used in a particular subject (11) 9 A lock of hair hanging down in a spiral curl (7) 12 Pen name of French writer Marie-Henri Beyle, whose novels include Le Rouge Et Le Noir and La Chartreuse de Parme (8) 16 A waxy substance used as make-up by actors (11) 18 British manufactur­er of luxury sports cars associated with James Bond (5,6) 19 A board game featuring lettered tiles, invented in the US in the 1930s (8) 23 A failure of the engine of a vehicle (9) 24 Mike – – –, Lancashire batsman who first captained England’s Test side in 1993 (8) 25 To become aware of something through the senses, especially sight (8) 26 Italian rice dish cooked in stock (7) 28 Open, savoury tart originatin­g in France (6) 30 Straight lines from the centre to the circumfere­nce of a circle or sphere (5) 32 – – – Island, island in New York Harbor that was the main immigratio­n port for those entering the USA until 1954 (5)

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