The Mail on Sunday

A record-breaking month for home of Britain’s best books


YOUR record-breaking Mail on Sunday has scored another great sales success.

Latest official ABC figures reveal average retail sales of 901,000 in August – up 4,500 copies month-on-month and our overall highest figure since April.

That means a remarkable 23.1 per cent of all Sunday papers sold in Britain are now Mail on Sundays – our highest ever market share.

That’s 626 copies sold EVERY MINUTE.

And no wonder as readers know we’re not only the home of the biggest scoops – from our man in Washington’s scathing criticism of Donald Trump to pictures of Prince Andrew inside Jeffrey Epstein’s home – but we’re also the place to find unmissable book serialisat­ions.

This month alone we’ve brought you four enthrallin­g books, long before they reach the shops.

Readers have been loving our extracts from Bill Bryson’s extraordin­ary new book as Britain’s favourite travel writer takes his most intriguing journey yet – around the human body. We also brought you William Cash’s jaw-dropping account of how Boris Johnson agreed to let the society writer bring up his secret daughter.

And there have been exclusive instalment­s of Lord Ashcroft’s revealing biography of Jacob ReesMogg. Today, discover how the MP made his millions.

Plus the bravest book of the year: Douglas Murray’s trenchant take-down of all the sacred cows of political correctnes­s.

Who needs Amazon? The greatest reads are in The Mail on Sunday.

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