The Mail on Sunday

Davis ‘incandesce­nt’ over Cameron book


THE bitter feud between David Cameron and David Davis has reignited over the ex-Prime Minister’s memoirs, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

An ‘incandesce­nt’ Mr Davis is demanding that his one-time rival for the Tory crown retract claims made in his book and on television about their testy political relationsh­ip.

In his book For The Record, Mr Cameron claims his opponent in the 2005 Tory leadership election tried to block the Conservati­ves going into coalition with the Liberal Democrats after the 2010 General Election.

But former Brexit Secretary Mr Davis is so angry with the claim, which he says is demonstrab­ly false, that he is set to contact publisher William Collins to demand it is stripped from future editions. In the book, Mr Cameron recalls the lead-up to his coalition agreement with Nick Clegg after the hung Parliament result in 2010.

He writes: ‘I called the big beasts of the Conservati­ve Party to inform them of my approach. The feedback was overwhelmi­ngly that it would be right to reach out to the Lib Dems, although there was the odd exception. “Davis thinks it’s a bad idea,” I reported to my team after I had hung up the phone. “Which means I am probably on the right track.” ’

He repeated the claim in the BBC documentar­y The Cameron Years, which was screened last month.

However, allies of Mr Davis last night provided The Mail on Sunday with evidence that he had, in fact, been a vocal and public supporter of a deal with the Lib Dems before it was signed.

A friend of Mr Davis said: ‘Dave seems to be trying to settle scores, which isn’t very statesmanl­ike or in this case very competent. Maybe his memory is failing. He did after all famously forget which football team he supports.’

 ??  ?? BACK TO WORK: Jane Andrews at the bail hostel
BACK TO WORK: Jane Andrews at the bail hostel

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