The Mail on Sunday

There’s a prostate cancer cure that can spare a man’s sex life. So why won’t doctors tell us about it?

- By Sally Wardle

IT WAS an agonising decision – and one faced by thousands of British men each year. Paul Sayer had been given the devastatin­g news that he had prostate cancer. It was aggressive – and his surgeon said the best chance was a major operation.

They could get him into theatre within ten days. And yet, possibly more frightenin­g than the cancer itself was the possibilit­y that the procedure would render him incontinen­t and impotent – for the foreseeabl­e future at least. The alternativ­e, he was told, was radiothera­py. But there were similar risks and less chance of a cure.

‘My surgeon was strongly in favour of surgery,’ recalls the 64-year-old charity fundraiser from Southend-on-Sea in Essex. ‘And the radiothera­pist told me radiothera­py was better. I was worried about

both options – as they’re both pretty final when it comes to maintainin­g normal sexual function.

‘Oddly enough, I was less scared of having the disease than I was about what would happen after treatment. I was in my 60s, active and happily married. I didn’t much like the idea of having to wear pads in my underwear for the rest of my life. What man would choose that?’

During tense discussion­s with his consultant, Paul mentioned that he had read about another option: high-intensity focused ultrasound, or HIFU. The scalpel-free treatment involves energy beams that blast tumour cells with pinpoint accuracy. Afterwards, few patients suffer the incontinen­ce or sexual problems that often go hand- inhand with a more major operation.

Paul says: ‘The way I understood it, HIFU attacks the tumour directly without damaging anything else. And because of this, there was less chance of damaging the nerves round the prostate that control continence and erections, which appealed to me. But my doctors shut down the conversati­on. They said the HIFU was not a suitable treatment for my cancer.’

Undeterred, Paul decided to contact and meet the HIFU surgeon he’d read about. Professor Hashim Ahmed, a consultant surgeon at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, told him he was ‘a perfect candidate’ for HIFU. Armed with this informatio­n, he asked his GP to refer him for treatment.

‘My GP hadn’t heard of HIFU for prostate cancer, but agreed.’

The procedure was carried out in July 2018. Paul says: ‘I was out of hospital that night. I had a catheter for a week and after that, I just got on with my life. I didn’t suffer any complicati­ons. And, although I’m having regular tests to monitor things, the cancer is gone.’


PAUL, it would seem, is lucky – not because his treatment was a success, but because he was able to have it at all. HIFU was approved by health chiefs more t han a decade ago, yet just five out of 135 NHS trusts are regularly offering it, and ‘many doctors simply are not telling men it exists’, claimed University Hospital Southampto­n urologist Tim Dudderidge.

Instead, thousands of men are having surgery and radiothera­py without being told there is an alternativ­e, he added.

Some estimates suggest that up to 12,000 prostate cancer patients every year could be eligible for some form of focal therapy, a term that encompasse­s HIFU and cryotherap­y, a less widely available treatment which involves freezing the tumour. According to recent data, just 1,900 patients have undergone these procedures in the UK over the past ten years.

Mr Dudderidge says: ‘ Surgery often leaves men with long-term erectile dysfunctio­n, and four in ten will still need an incontinen­ce pad after a year. This can be devastatin­g, especially for younger men who may have active sex lives.

‘Of course, if it’s a choice between dying of cancer and an operation with side effects, most men would choose the op. But many could be cured by HIFU, which would spare them from these life-changing complicati­ons.’

A big part of the problem is that the NHS advisory body, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), does not tell doctors to routinely offer it to patients.

This, Mr Dudderidge said, needs to change. ‘Patients have a right to know about it, so they can make an informed choice about their options. But the fact is many don’t, which is scandalous.’


ABOUT 48,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year in Britain, accounting for a quarter of all male cancer cases. A third of patients with the disease are over 75 – but the incidence has increased six- fold in men aged 50-plus in the past 20 years.

‘ These are often otherwise fit and healthy men with careers, and love lives,’ says Mr Dudderidge.

Slow-growing, early-stage prostate cancers often don’t require surgery or radiothera­py. But some tumours are more aggressive or faster- growing, so doctors must act before the disease spreads.

In these cases, men are often offered surgery to remove the entire prostate: a prostatect­omy.

The prostate gland is part of the male reproducti­ve system, and is vital in the production of semen.

It is about the size of a walnut and sits below the bladder, around the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body. Because of its position, removal of the gland can risk damaging the nerves responsibl­e for bladder control and erections.

The operation i s remarkably effective. About one in seven prostate-cancer patients undergo surgery, and more than 80 per cent are alive ten years later.

But there is a trade-off. A recent study found that 83 per cent of men who had a prostatect­omy still suffered erectile dysfunctio­n six years after the procedure.

And nearly one in five needed to wear absorbent pads to combat urinary incontinen­ce.

Some men are offered radiothera­py instead of surgery. This involves using powerful X- ray beams to destroy cancer cells in the prostate, sometimes after a course of hormone treatment.

But three-quarters of men are left with erectile dysfunctio­n.


HIFU involves no incisions or cutting. Instead, MRI scans, which allow doctors to see structures inside the body, are used to pinpoint the location of the tumour within the prostate. Then, beams of ultrasound energy are fired into it.

These heat and destroy tumour cells without damaging surroundin­g tissue, as radiothera­py can do.

Early studies indicate it is just as effective as surgery and radiothera­py but due to the focused nature of the procedure, side effects are dramatical­ly reduced.

Recent research, which included men with medium- and high-risk cancer, f ound t hose who had HIFU had a two per cent risk of urinary incontinen­ce and a 15 per cent risk of erectile dysfunctio­n after five years. Despite this, many men are in the dark about the approach, experts claim. Prof Ahmed said he often meets patients who have not been informed about the treatment by their consultant.

‘The vast majority we see have found out about it on their own,’ he says. ‘ Patients also tell me that when they have asked their previ

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