The Mail on Sunday

Never forget that Blair was a Trotskyist too


LOOKING more than ever as if he is actually mummified, and has risen from some ancient, richly decorated tomb, the Blair creature appears among us. Once again he is here to tell us that in fact he knows better than everyone, despite having made, in Iraq, the worst single mistake in foreign policy of the past half-century.

Why do people still deal kindly with this person, who veers between being a vague, rambling nonentity and a raging warmonger, when not surrenderi­ng to terrorist murderers on shameful terms?

Generally he returns among us to drivel about the European issue, forgetting that he longed for this country to join the euro, a policy almost every breathing human now realises would have been a disaster. But this time he has reappeared to gloat over Jeremy Corbyn’s failure and claim that Mr Corbyn’s revolution­ary programme and Marxist past stopped him winning the Election.

This is very odd. We now know from his own lips, though 99 per cent of the British media have never reported it, that Mr Blair was himself once a Trotskyist. He has never revealed which organisati­on he joined, though a close friend of his belonged to the Internatio­nal Marxist Group, which called for ‘Victory to the IRA’ and urged its student members to infiltrate and take over the moribund Labour Party in the 1970s, when no normal person under the age of 50 would have joined it. An astonishin­g number of Mr Blair’s Cabinet were also ‘former’ Marxists – and these are just the ones we know about.

And, as it happens, Mr Blair was in a position to give ‘Victory to the IRA’ in his surrender to them in 1998 – the fact that it was a surrender is shown by the continued legal pursuit of British soldiers accused of crimes during the Troubles, and the effective mass pardon given to IRA killers, though people still refuse to see it.

As for Mr Blair’s other policies – rapid integratio­n in the EU, participat­ion in mad foreign wars, sale of our gold reserves just before the price shot up, a gigantic splurge in welfare and NHS spending way beyond our means, fanatical pursuit of political correctnes­s – they are a mixture of zealotry and stupidity, slightly different from Mr Corbyn’s, but not in fact that different.

I just wish all those who managed to see the obvious Corbyn threat will one day understand the damage they allowed Mr Blair to do by praising him as the ‘moderate’ he never was.

 ??  ?? TROTSKYIST PAST: Blair

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