The Mail on Sunday

Does this look like a man who’s just won £105 MILLION

Lottery-winning builder takes on MORE work – and even buys second-hand van to save £10,000

- By Michael Powell

WITH his newly acquired vast fortune, he could have chosen to never do another day’s work in his life.

But two months after his £105 million lottery win, Steve Thomson is still working hard as a builder.

Our exclusive pictures show the 42-year-old in a black jacket, scruffy jeans and a woolly hat installing a new front door and double-glazed windows in a porch at a property near his home in Selsey, West Sussex.

He was praised after his EuroMillio­ns win when he vowed not to leave any of his customers in the lurch in the run-up to Christmas.

Now the father-of-three is taking on further work and has also treated himself to a VW van – but rather than buy new, he opted for a second-hand vehicle, saving himself about £10,000.

Mr Thomson said: ‘ I’m just a normal guy and I don’t want this to change me. I’m a man of my word and I promised I would complete these jobs so that’s what I will do.’

While he was working on the porch, a neighbour enquired about having a new front door fitted at

‘I promised I would complete these jobs’

their home too. ‘Steve was happy enough to take on that work and made an appointmen­t to visit the man’s address,’ an onlooker said. ‘The builders had the radio on and Steve took some ribbing from his workmates when Jessie J’s song Price Tag came on. They all joined in singing the chorus: “It’s all about the money, money, money.” ’

Mr Thomson said he was ‘on the verge of having a heart attack’ when he realised he had matched all seven numbers after his win last November. He only bothered to check his ticket when a colleague who was picking him up for work was running late.

Mr Thomson and his wife, shopworker Lenka, 41, said they plan to buy a new home so their eightyear- old daughter and two sons aged ten and 15 can finally have their own bedrooms.

A neighbour of the family, Ellie Wood, 42, said: ‘Steve and his wife are salt of the earth. I’m not shocked that Steve is continuing to finish off jobs he had on his books – that’s just the type of guy he is. He’d never leave anyone in the lurch.’

 ??  ?? Lottery-winning builder Mr Thomson at work and, right, getting into the second-hand Volkswagen van he’s bought since his windfall ‘SALT OF THE EARTH’:
Lottery-winning builder Mr Thomson at work and, right, getting into the second-hand Volkswagen van he’s bought since his windfall ‘SALT OF THE EARTH’:
 ??  ?? Steve Thomson helping fit a door and, right, carrying his tool box GRAFTER:
Steve Thomson helping fit a door and, right, carrying his tool box GRAFTER:
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