The Mail on Sunday

Forget pinko Boris, maybe Blue Labour can save us!


MANY people will now be thinking that the Labour Party might as well be dumped in the nearest wheelie bin and driven away to be buried in landfill. Given how much harm Labour has done in the past 60 years, it is a tempting idea. And the pitiful lineup of contestant­s to succeed Jeremy Corbyn is dispiritin­gly bad.

Who are these people? Wearisome egalitaria­ns who have learned nothing from the wasteland they have made of our schools. Eurofanati­cs who still don’t get it. Blairites who have yet to grasp that Al ‘Boar-iss’ Johnson is now the Supreme Blairite, and has stolen all their clothes.

I SUGGESTED it a few weeks ago and, after last week’s events, I think a lot more people will see my point. When the current reign ends, let’s keep the Monarchy but pension off the Royal Family. The continued theoretica­l existence of the Monarchy will keep politician­s from getting too grand, but we won’t have to worry about the individual Royals, with their weird private lives, impossible desire to enjoy celebrity and privacy at the same time, horses and malfunctio­ning sweat glands. Hardly anybody under the age of about 80 understand­s the point of monarchy any more. Only someone brought up in an age of brisk walks in all weathers, strict bedtimes, regular church, finishing what was on their plates and thank-you letters could possibly tackle the role. There isn’t anyone like that left.

Worse, he is even better at Blairism than Blair himself, being both much more intelligen­t and far funnier than the New Labour leader.

When any of these people fight the next Election, riding directly into Mr Johnson’s guns, they will make the Charge of the Light Brigade look like a shrewd move. And yet it will be very bad for the country if we have a feeble Opposition. When government­s are too strong, they make more mistakes. They become smug and high-handed. British liberty depends on there being a strong, effective Opposition. But how could that come about? Well, there is a tiny glimmer of hope, which I think civilised people should encourage.

It is called ‘Blue Labour’. At the moment it is only a few brave and thoughtful people, and it was pushed to one side in the Corbyn era of childish, clapped-out 1970s Leftism.

But if it succeeds it could not only be a good Opposition, it might even be a good government. People forget what Labour used to be. Before it was taken over by Bloomsbury social liberals and Islington Eurocommun­ists in t he 1960s and 1970s, it was a highly conservati­ve, patriotic, working-class party.

Labour councils used to proudly build and sustain grammar schools, knowing that they benefited Labour families more than anyone else, as well as benefiting the country as a whole with educationa­l standards far higher than we have today.

Labour politician­s understood that it was the poor who have most to fear from crime and disorder, and had little time for the liberal social theories that have gutted our police, courts and prisons. Incredible as it may now seem, the Labour Premier Clement Attlee, and his Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, both voted in 1948 to retain the death penalty for murder. Modern Leftists, who claim to admire these men at a distance, do not really understand what sort of people they were.

LABOUR was also seriously Christian, hugely i nfluenced by Methodism. And i t wa s sternly s o b e r, strongly against the sort of Gin Lane drinking culture and the easy gambling that New Labour cynically encouraged. When, in 1970, Labour’s then Premier Harold Wilson began to destroy the laws against marijuana, his Cabinet split almost equally between the working-class Ministers, who wanted to keep effective laws in place, and the Oxbridge intellectu­als, who wanted to let rip.

Alas, it was the intellectu­als who won, which i s why t he whole country now stinks of dope. And in the era that followed, real workingcla­ss figures almost vanished from Labour’s front bench.

Where political parties combine patriotism, a strong but just welfare state, good education, firm policing and tough defence, they tend to win elections. France’s Charles de Gaulle ruled for years on that basis, and Poland’s Law and Justice party (for all its faults) has rapidly become the dominant force in that country. Why not here?

I long ago gave up on the Tories, who don’t have a conservati­ve muscle in their body or a patriotic cell in their brains. I can’t see them benefiting much from their guru, Dominic Cummings, and his appeal for more weirdos in government. Aren’t there enough already?

Let Labour’s current hopeless leadership dash themselves to pieces in another Election. They’re no loss. Then, when these dullards have gone off to fulfil their true destinies in public relations or pantomime, maybe it will be time for Blue Labour. If they can seize back control of the People’s Party, I’d support them against the Pinko Tories.

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